2020 Winter Commencement
COLLEGE of EDUCATION, HOSPITALITY, HEALTH and HUMAN SCIENCES Candidates Presented by Maria Alm, Ph.D., Interim Dean B achelor of A rt
P sychology Sarah Wood, Ph.D., Program Director
Brettina Edwina Davis
Minneapolis, MN
B achelor of S cience
A rt E ducation Ann Oberding, Ph.D., Program Director
E arly C hildhood E ducation Lindsay Barnhart, Ed.S., Program Director
Crysta Bedard
Minneapolis, MN
Hunter Reed Black *
Durand, WI
Jewel Maline Fredrickson Chloe Esther Halverson **
Boyd, WI
Angelina Erin Hanson ** Chloe Alexandra Henderson
Eagle River, WI Maple Grove, MN Rhinelander, WI
Hudson, WI
Amy Jean Lawrence Emily Nicole Loberg
Marshfield, WI Elk River, MN
Brandon Lee Hess
Shayna Marie Hohlfelder Madeline Marie Houle Mariah Kay Jessie ** Madeline Ruth Kelley Taylor Renee Larson *** Deanna Kay Livingston * Teagan Jane Mayenschein *
Fall Creek, WI
North Branch, MN Black River Falls, WI
C areer , T echnical E ducation and T raining Matthew Simoneau, Ed.D., Program Director Eric John Antonson Schofield, WI James August Eckardt *** Tigerton, WI Rachel Elizabeth Erickson *** Bloomer, WI Christopher Thomas Omernik * Plover, WI Nancy Marie Schumacher North Fond du Lac, WI Brandon LeRoy Scott * Colfax, WI
Menomonie, WI Shakopee, MN Menomonie, WI Greenwood, WI
Madeline Faye Peters Talia Rose Rainer *
Chetek, WI Somerset, WI
Chelsea Pauline Stuttgen **
Colby, WI
Stacy Lynn Wagner
Menomonie, WI Red Wing, MN
Alexa Nicole Williams *
C riminal J ustice and R ehabilitation Colleen Etzbach, Rh.D., Program Director
F amily and C onsumer S cience E ducation Diane Klemme, Ph.D., Program Director Jessica Sophia Daley * Streamwood, IL Kelli Renee Holty Eau Claire, WI Kimberly E Labahn Lake Geneva, WI Emily Anne Moses Madison, WI Matasha Ann Schlass West Bend, WI Audrey Jean Vincenzi ** Jefferson, WI
Fredrick D Bergholz *
Neenah, WI
Markella Fiore **
Eau Claire, WI Melrose, MN Blue Island, IL Green Bay, WI Saint Paul, MN Rice Lake, WI Reedsburg, WI Green Bay, WI Suring, WI
Courtney Grace Heinze * Darius Dewann Huntley
Tiffany Johnson **
Choua Lee
Brianna Kathryn McKnight
Bailey Steven Roux **
Morgan Elizabeth Sanders Kirsten Rose Van Dyke
F ood S cience and T echnology Taejo Kim, Ph.D., Program Director
Blais William Hurst
Burlington, WI New Berlin, WI Big Bend, WI
D ietetics Karen Ostenso, Ph.D., R.D., C.D., Program Director
Brandon Juds
Christel Lou Weltzin **
Rachel Johannah Meyer Nicole Michelle Tellock *** Christel Lou Weltzin **
Eyota, MN Freedom, WI Big Bend, WI
W inter C ommencement 2020 11
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