2020 Winter Commencement
U niversiTy of W isConsin -s ToUT VIRTUAL COMMENCEMENT
s aTUrDay , D eCember 19 Th , 2020 • 10:00 a . m . C eremony
C ollege of s CienCe , T eChnology , e ngineering , m aThemaTiCs and m anagemenT
C ollege of e DUCaTion , h ospiTaliTy , h ealTh and h Uman s CienCes
C ollege of a rTs , C ommUniCaTion , h UmaniTies and s oCial s CienCes
P AGE 13
T he g raDUaTe s Chool
P AGE 15
Reader Mr. Steve Shaw
For commencement news, photos and video, watch for a special e-newsletter, go to www.uwstout.edu or find UW-Stout on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
University of Wisconsin-Stout is the first Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award recipient in higher education.
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