2022 Spring Commencement

U niversity of W isconsin -S tout COMMENCEMENT

9:30 a . m . C eremony C ollege of S cience , T echnology , E ngineering , M athematics and M anagement

P age 3

1:30 p . m . C eremony C ollege of E ducation , H ospitality , H ealth and H uman S ciences C ollege of A rts , C ommunication , H umanities and S ocial S ciences

P age 13

5:00 p . m . C eremony T he G raduate S chool

P age 21

Johnson Fieldhouse University of Wisconsin-Stout Menomonie, Wisconsin

University of Wisconsin-Stout is the first Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award recipient in higher education.

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