21 Return to Camp Multi Day
Dining a. Participants will be required to remain in their cohorts during breaks and dining times. Cohorts cannot intermingle in the dining hall. b. Each event must direct participants to the designated dining area(s) and the facilitator will be responsible for maintaining the participants compliance during the meal breaks. c. The participants will be required to socially distance during meal times and remain masked when not eating or drinking. d. Common food and beverages are not permitted. i. For high activity events (e.g. Athletic Camps) communication should be clear that common hydration will not be available and participants must bring their own water or drinks. Closing (Participant Exiting) a. At the end of each day the facilitator will be responsible for ensuring that all participants adhere to the COVID-19 protocols until they are picked up by the guardian. b. Participants must remain in cohorts until they are picked up to facilitate contact tracing. c. Facilitator must ensure that participants are only released to an approved guardian. Prior to the event start date, each event must provide a COVID-19 Protocols document AND a letter from President Thompson to each Guardian/Participant advising on testing requirements; the daily health assessment; face masking; social distancing; isolation and removal protocols; and refund policies, including direct contact information for the POC. Each event must complete a testing roster and send to Mandy Colby (or designee) by an established deadline prior to the event start date. An eTrueNorth testing roster template will be provided to the facilitator for completion. All fields on the roster must be completed so participant information can be accurately uploaded to eTrueNorth’s system. Each event must have a method for obtaining guardian consent for testing. The consent must be stored in a HIPPA compliant fashion. On the start date of an event, the facilitator must have in hand proof of the required COVID-19 testing documentation and ensure that this information is stored in a HIPAA compliant fashion through the end of the event. a. The facilitator may apply a three-stage triage for receipt of documentation: i. The guardian can submit documentation within 72 hours of the event start date. ii. The guardian can provide documentation upon arrival at the event. iii. The guardian and participant will be referred to the
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