menomonie Best Of
T he Menomonie Open Walldogs Festival won’t happen until 2026, but it will require continued collaborative efforts between several of the city’s major players and community members over the next two years in order to achieve what could be Menomonie’s most impactful artistic event ever – and it comes with a $300,000 price tag. The project, “Murals in Menomonie,” held its official launch party on June 27, unveiling the full details of what organizers aim to accomplish over the next two years in order to prepare for the arrival of more than 200 Walldogs artists for the multi-day Menomonie Open Walldogs Festival. “An Open Walldogs Festival is a large undertaking,” the launch’s pre sentation stated. “The collaborative effort of the Murals in Menomonie committee, representing a diverse group of stakeholders within the city of Menomonie and Dunn County, will work diligently together to execute the most impactful event this com munity has ever seen.” In the project launch presenta tion, a general timeline for achiev ing the ambitious community arts project and event was shared: Mural themes should be chosen in October 2024; mural locations should be de termined in December 2024; a fun draising event should be held June 2025, one year out from the festival; mural designs should be finalized in November 2025; $200,000 should be raised by March 2026; volunteers should be organized by April 2026; and the Menomonie Open Walldogs Festival will run June 24-28, 2026.
Since the project’s launch at the end of June, about three property owners have expressed serious interest in their building(s) being mural locations. Part of the commit ment to being a mural location is a monetary donation of $2,500 toward the campaign. “It shows they’re in vested in the art and willing to main tain it throughout the years,” said Becca Schoenborn, project committee member and executive director of Downtown Menomonie Inc. “We don’t want to put these murals on build ing that isn’t going to be taken care of.” As each of the 15 mural designs will also feature relevant historical themes, the project committee will also keep historical context in mind when it determines which buildings will become home to each. The artists will work with local historians and subject matter experts to further ensure historically accurate repre sentations of the community’s his tory and values. For those individuals, business es, and organizations interested in sponsoring or donating to the Murals in Menomonie project, several spon sorship levels are available: from the “Friend” level of $100 to the “Gold” level of $1,000, to the sponsorship of an entire mural for $15,000. Volun teer opportunities will arise closer to the 2026 event. Donate to the Murals in Menomonie project on the Dunn County Community Foundation website. Keep up with the project's progress on its Facebook page.
The festival will result in 15 large-scale murals crafted through out the Menomonie area, each val ued at about $15,000 each, totaling a value of $750,000. The $300,000 budget covers mural paint and supplies, equip ment, installation, and related de tails ($143,000); Marketing efforts ($67,000); and the actual festival with catering, lodging, and more ($95,000). Sponsorships, financial donation, in-kind donations, and grants will need to be compiled over the next two years to meet that bud get. “Through community collabora tion, a commitment to preserving local history, and a diverse range of artistic styles, Walldogs murals have become a powerful force in the world of public art,” the project pre sentation states. “… These murals will serve as dynamic expressions of our community’s history, culture, and values, transforming blank walls into vibrant canvases that tell our
city’s stories.”
Beyond the 15 mu rals that will be created by Walldogs muralists – each
mural employing 10-20 artists each – the five-day event will also be host to an interactive mural for children to contribute to, created in a paint by-numbers style, a commemorative dinner celebration and auction, and more activities. The community is encouraged to watch the murals come to life in real time during live painting sessions, and interact with the festival through community paint walls or guided mural tours. Wade Lambrigtsen, owner of Vintage Sign Shop and member of the project’s executive committee, was the catalyst for the ambitious project. Lambrigtsen is largely credited for helping transform current public spaces throughout Menomonie with his artwork. He is a veteran Walldogs muralist, having participated in 12 Walldogs festi vals, six as project leader.
Best Of menomonie
July 25, 2024 |
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