Best Student Distance Learning Practices NTLC
Find two to three different tactics that you can use to effectively organize your assignments. Each week can bring something different so one solution may not work every time. Change it up to best improve your personal productivity. Read each course syllabus and assignment instructions so that you better understand what teachers expect of you and how to succeed in courses. Reach out to instructors with questions. Knowing where your understanding ends and asking for help to get beyond there is a sign of intelligence! Start each week reviewing what needs to be done and schedule in time for
each course assignment and assessment. Create a plan and stick to it consistently throughout the week. Keep up with course announcements (Canvas announcements & e-mails.
Set aside time and personal study space every week to complete your readings and assignments uninterrupted. Stay on top of schoolwork because assignments can build up quickly and become a lot to manage. Try to work ahead as time permits.
7 Best Distance Learning Practices for Student Learning
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