Get to Know Campus




UW-Stout cares about the health and safety of our students. The Dean of Students Office reminds you to complete the assigned Everfi courses. These highly interactive learning opportunities are designed to educate our students about creating and maintaining a safe and healthy evironment at UW-Stout. These mandatory courses focus on safe and healhty choices regarding alcohol, secual assult prevention, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. These courses will be assigned prior to classes starting and students will be notified how to access them via UW-Stout email. Please complete the courses by the due date yo prevent a hold from being placed on your student record, which will prevent you from registering for Fall 2024 classes. Again, please keep up to date with your UW-Stout email for the invite to the Everfi platform and course reminders.

Spring Registration and Orientation will be held Friday, January 24, from 7:45am to 4:30pm. During your experience you will have your photo taken and pickup your Stout BlueCard, hear from various campus departments and services, and receive your UW-Stout laptop and textbooks.

New freshmen will also meet their advisor and register for courses.

Next Steps

Check your UW-Stout email for an invitation to sign-up for Registration and Orientation.

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