Honors College Registration Guide

Save the Dates!

Saturday, September 7th, 9am–12pm Honors Orientation : City as Text This is your welcome to the Honors College—and a chance to get to explore Menomonie while meeting other Honors students. You’ll learn more about the structure of the program and the opportunities that lie ahead of you in the Honors College.

This is a required event for all incoming first year honors students, and it will count as your first Honors Engagement Event!

Fall Colloquium Tuesday, October 1st: 4:15–6:15pm & 7:00–9:00pm Remember to read Right Kind of Wrong to prepare for our Fall Colloquium Fall Advisement Day Tuesday, October 22nd, 4:00–4:30pm, MSC Ballrooms Join us for our Advisement Day meeting. Fall Registration Breakfast Monday, October 28th, 8:30–10:30am Come for priority registration—and our waffle breakfast!

Spring Colloquium Thursday, February 13th: 4:15–6:15pm & 7:00–9:00pm Remember to read The Bear to prepare for our Spring Colloquium

Spring Advisement Day Tuesday, April 1st Join us for our Advisement Day meeting.

Spring Registration Breakfast Monday, April 7th Come for priority registration—and our waffle breakfast!

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