Journal of Student Research 2018

Journal Student Research


An Earthquake

Our wine cups are emotional states and statements that whine and worry as the rest of our shaken world. An imbalance set from a Romantic lets a building breath as we do, while modernity takes this breath and renders complex heaving up and down, not standing, planting feet, falling and getting back up. / fingers slipping away from/ Companions more sentient than cups but less sentient than We played reactionary courses when the floor, dirt, and structure rattled and quaked in a grandiose display of wavering, overcoming, of displaced rivers flowing outside their own bounds. A surprising feat surprising Us to be less Us keeps simple cloth robes disrobed from our persons, clarifying need within worry and the need to worry itself. Our houses get spun around in an opposite direction than wanted. This river splits our mountain terrain, makes lakes wherever. / fingers slipping away from/ Truly rare, extraordinary, a phenomenal occurrence when an Earthquake shatters.

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