Journal of Student Research 2018

The Correlates of Trust Amongst Coworkers The Correlates of Trust Amongst Coworkers: Perceived Similarity, Team Satisfaction, and Sex


Macie A. Neitzel Senior, Psychology:

Advisor: Chelsea M. Lovejoy Ph.D.


Trust is defined as the willingness to rely on others when there is something at risk. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between self-reported measures of trust, perceived similarity and team satisfaction for employees who work in teams. Specifically, the researcher wanted to replicate the findings of team satisfaction and trust related to perceived similarity found by Ennen et al. (2015). Seventy-eight participants completed the survey from a link on the researcher’s Facebook page. A positive correlation between trust, perceived similarity, and team satisfaction was found, suggesting that the findings of the Ennen et al. (2015) study apply to work groups. Interestingly, the relationship between perceived similarity and trust only existed for women, and not for men. The Correlates of Trust Amongst Coworkers: Perceived Similarity, Team Satisfaction, and Sex Organizations often utilize teams to carry out projects because of the diverse experience that each member brings to a group. However, there are risks involved when asking individuals to work together as a team. Issues such as lack of trust and social loafing may reduce the effectiveness of teams. Ineffective social dynamics may also lead to additional financial costs to individuals, such as demotion or loss of job. Costs to the company overall may also occur if the team does not function well together. To reduce the likelihood of these risks, one must establish trust amongst group members. Trust is defined as the reliance on others in risky or uncertain situations (Davis, Mayer, & Schoorman, 1995). There are four types of trust defined in the research conducted by Costa and Anderson (2011): the propensity to trust, perceived trustworthiness, cooperative trust, and Keywords: trust, perceived similarity, team satisfaction

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