Journal of Student Research 2018

30 Journal Student Research hesitate to help a person in need,” ( a = .75). For perceived trustworthiness, an example item was, “We had complete confidence in each other’s ability to perform tasks,” ( a = .80). For cooperative behaviors, an example item was, “While making a decision we took each other’s opinion into consideration,” ( a = .71). For monitoring behaviors, an example item was, “In this team people watched each other very closely,” ( a = .75). For each item participants were asked to rate the degree to which they agreed or disagreed on a 7-point scale (1 = completely disagree , 2 = disagree , 3 = somewhat disagree , 4 = neutral , 5 = somewhat agree , 6 = agree , 7 = completely agree ) regarding their experience working in a team. The Cronbach’s alpha value for the combined measure of trust overall was .89. Team Satisfaction. The team satisfaction scale consists of four items rating the level of satisfaction the member had with their team and team members (Appendix B; Park & DeShon, 2010). An example item from this instrument is, “All in all, how satisfied were you with your team’s performance,” ( a = .93). The items were rated on a 7-point scale assessing satisfaction: (1 = extremely dissatisfied , 2 = dissatisfied , 3 = somewhat dissatisfied , 4 = neutral , 5 = somewhat satisfied , 6 = satisfied , 7 = extremely satisfied ). Perceived Similarity. Perceived similarity was measured using the Perceived Relational Diversity Scale (Appendix C; Clark, Ostroff & Atwater, 2002). This scale consists of 16 items asking the participant to consider personal comparisons between themselves and the members of their workgroup ( a = .81). For each characteristic, the participant rated their perceived similarity to the group using a 5-point scale (1 = not similar at all , 2 = somewhat dissimilar , 3 = slightly similar, 4 = somewhat similar, 5 = highly similar ). An example item from this measure included, “PERSONALITY (sociability, emotional stability, attention to detail, flexibility, importance of work, competitiveness, preference for working individually or in groups).” The participants rated their similarity to their work group based on each item description that followed in parentheses. The survey was administered via Qualtrics and recruitment was done via Facebook, encouraging viewers to participate in a survey study about group dynamics in the workplace. Participants were given the option to continue with the survey following their consent to participate. Those who selected the button to continue then completed the trust survey that was comprised of the four sub measures of trust: propensity to trust, perceived trustworthiness, controlling behaviors, and monitoring behaviors. Participants were then directed to the team satisfaction and perceived Procedures

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