Journal of Student Research 2018
Journal Student Research
References Chen, M. K. (2016). Dynamic pricing in a labor market: Surge pricing and flexible work on the Uber platform. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 455. doi:10.1145/2940716.2940798 Edelman, B. G., & Geradin, D. (2016). Efficiencies and regulatory shortcuts: How should we regulate companies like Airbnb and Uber? Stanford Technology Law Review, 19, 293. Gevero, A., Durante, B., & Alves, E. (2016). How Uber and other ride-sharing companies are roiling the taxi medallion industry. The RMA Journal, 98(4), 36–41. Hall, J. V., & Krueger, A. B. (2016). An analysis of the labor market for Uber’s driver-partners in the United States (Working paper No. 587). National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. MarketLine. (2014, November). Uber Technologies, Inc. Calling a cab for the taxi industry? Case study. Retrieved February 1, 2017 from MarketLine Advantage database. Meitrodt, J. (2017, March 19). How Uber, Lyft bent the rules to win: Ride share firms insist they are technology innovators, not transportation providers. Star Tribune. Retrieved from doc/1G1-486212272.html?refid=easy_hf Salmon, F. (2013, December 12). Why cab drivers should love Uber. Swelbar, W. S., & Wittman, M. D. (2013). Evolving trends of U.S. domestic airfares: The impacts of competition, consolidation, and low-cost carriers. MIT International Center for Air Transportation. Retrieved from https:// Wallsten, S. (2015). The competitive effects of the sharing economy: How is Uber changing taxis? Technology Policy Institute. Retrieved from https:// competitive-effects-of-the-2007713.pdf Retrieved March 1, 2017, from felix-salmon/2013/12/11/why-cab-drivers-should-love-uber/
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