Journal of Student Research 2018
94 Journal Student Research me to consider the wants and needs of the individual and their family, and I can examine whether a treatment plan that extends their life will be the most beneficial option. I must look at many factors within an individual’s life that would make it the correct route to either let nature takes its course or medically intervene. Other important skills of mine were acquired by taking an introductory Sociology course and a Cultural Anthropology course, in which various aspects of society and social life were studied. From these classes, I learned to recognize that all people have the desire to be treated well and accepted by members of society, regardless of their cultural, economic, or educational backgrounds. I will most certainly apply this knowledge to my professional work in the future and ensure that all of my patients will get the individualized and quality care that they seek. These courses emphasized that it is important not to make subconscious judgments on how to treat an individual based on their current or past circumstances. Another concept that was emphasized in these classes is that culture heavily influences people’s views and ideas about what is right and normal. When applying this to healthcare, one must consider values and rules that are taught in an individual’s culture when attempting to make crucial decisions. In the case that I must decide whether or not to continue treatment for a person with a terminal illness, I should take into account the individual’s views on life and if they believe they could sustain quality living throughout treatment. In addition, I need to consider how my decision could have an effect on the person’s family and friends and their own values. Letting the illness take over naturally and quickly may negatively impact loved ones because they value the individual’s company too much to let them go sooner. In contrast, this decision could correlate with the values of the family and friends; they may realize that even though the individual’s life would be extended, treatment is harsh and reduces quality of life. Sociology and Cultural Anthropology have also taught me to be aware of the outcomes of every course of action and that I should fully understand the pros and cons of various consequences. This coincides with the previously stated example in which I must decide how to care for a terminally ill patient; certain decisions will lead to a variety of results that may be desirable or regrettable. The skills and abilities to think analytically with ethical and social considerations will help me to create an extremely positive effect in people’s lives. This will allow me to demonstrate and lead by example, which will set the grounds for changing the way patients are treated and monitored in the health care system. I believe that each patient should be acknowledged as a valued human being and be treated as such; everyone has the right to
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