Journal of Student Research 2018

On Paper Isn’t Enough


Becoming the Change and Changing the World

Noelle Sopotnick (Third Place) Junior, Human Development and Family Studies Social Work Professional Certificate

Mahatma Gandhi gave the call to “be the change you want to see in the world” and Nelson Mandela proclaimed that “education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” These two activists did indeed bring about real and lasting change; Gandhi with India’s fight for independence through nonviolent resistance and Mandela with his struggle against apartheid in South Africa. Both pointed to education as a powerful tool to bring about change, and my liberal arts education at the University of Wisconsin - Stout has indeed changed my own path in life by introducing me to the change that is needed in our world, encouraging me that change is possible, equipping me to be involved in that change, and influencing my plans for the future. As I settled into my first year of college at UW-Stout, I didn’t know how much I didn’t know. Through my education, I have become introduced to new ideas, issues, and to the changes that I didn’t know were needed in our world. My first semester here I took History of Ideas in the 20 th Century with Chris Freeman and I learned about the commercialism and consumerism that pervades every aspect of our society. For the first time I realized that so much of our lives – our products, our experiences, and our hobbies – are cheap, disposable, mass-produced, and profit-motivated. In our cookie-cutter, “keep up with the Jones’” culture, there is an anxiety that is artificial and unnecessary, and the importance of stepping away from this suddenly became so apparent to me. My next semester I took Introduction to Sociology with Crystal Aschenbrener, and I was introduced to the poverty, inequality, and abuse that is absolutely pervasive in the world today. These classes and others pushed me towards a desire to help people be treated fairly, have access to the resources they need, be free from violence and abuse, and have the opportunity to authentically connect with one another. I wanted to see change in our world, but I also felt a sense of helplessness at the enormity of the causes and concerns that exist. The enormity of a problem, however, is never an excuse to do nothing. My education has also empowered me to see that change is possible

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