Journal of Student Research 2019

Journal of Student Research 188 yet that same yellow is the intimacy that stretches the distance and connects them. Although most of these pieces I relate to my relationship with my boyfriend, it’s not exclusive to just us. I feel a longing for my parents as I am away at school, and I feel I can talk, and let things off my chest with my girlfriends in the same respect. I had a vision for the pink chest tube piece after I had a conversation with my best friend about her boyfriend troubles. I took that weight for her, allowed her to breathe, and she’s done the same for me. These mental intimacies are not exclusive to a sexual relationship, and I believe my work encourages the viewer to think differently about that. These works are also centered around trust and balance. As stated before, it is critical to have reciprocity in my pieces. In creating these works, allowing for an equal back and forth expression, the performers can have confidence in each other that they’ll be there to catch the weight, and be there to embrace.



I need you, here and now (exhibition shot from rapport) 2018 knit fabric, velcro, thread, elastic, performers

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