Journal of Student Research 2023
Journal of Student Research
The planted tamarack stand had a much higher density of tamarack stems per plot than the natural stand (t = 14.429, P < 0.001, Figure 4). The average tamarack density at the Downsville Wetland was 0.138 stems/m 2 (+/- 0.039 SD) while the average tamarack density at Muddy Creek was 0.009 stems/m 2 (+/- 0.006 SD). Figure 3: Size-class distribution (diameter at breast height, DBH; cm) of tamaracks at the Downsville Wetland (A) and the Muddy Creek Wildlife Area (B).
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
Tamarack Density (#/m 2 )
t = -14.429 P = < 0.001
Muddy Creek
The density and composition of non-tamarack woody species found in the understory differed between the two sites. The understory at the Downsville Wetland was just starting to develop and contained some red osier dogwood ( Cornus sericea ) and willow ( Salix spp. ). In stark contrast, the understory at Muddy Creek was quite robust and contained some red osier dogwood and willow, but was primarily poison sumac ( Toxicodendron vernix ) and alder ( Alnus spp .). Sample plots located at Muddy Creek had a significantly higher density of stems from other woody species than the sample plots located at the Downsville Wetland (t = -9.914, P < 0.001, Figure 5). The mean density of other woody species at Muddy Creek was 0.844 stems/m 2 Figure 4: Comparison of tamarack density (stems/m²) between the two sites using a two sample-t-test (t = -14.429, P = < 0.001).
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