Journal of Student Research 2015
Journal Student Research
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 2 below shows the relationship between violent crime and income inequality between 1965 and 2004. There is a visible positive re lation between the two variables. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Fact Book recorded that in 2007 the Gini index of the United States was around 0.45, which is high. The United States has one of the most income-unequal nations and has the largest percentage of its population in prison among developed democratic nations. Efforts at reducing the in come gap will provide some solutions to the crime problem, both within the poor neighborhoods as well as to crimes targeted at richer residents.
Figure 2. Violent crime and income inequality (1965-2004) This next figure (figure 3) below represents the changes in the Gini index throughout the United States over a period of around fifty years. It can be seen that in the mid 1970s to early 1980s there was an overall decrease in income inequality. This decrease in income inequality may explain why during the mid 1980s there was a decrease in violent crime. It can also be seen that in the 1990s income inequality began to rise, which may explain the increase in violence in the early to mid-2000s.
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