Journal of Student Research 2015
The Impact of a Citation on Underage Drinking Behaviors: Gendered Differences Daniel P. Gissing and Jenalee Grabowski Faculty Advisor: Dr. Susan M. Wolfgram………………………………….128 Materialism & Its Discontent s Matthew Roskowski Faculty Advisor: Dr. Tina Lee & Dr. Christopher Freeman………………..140 Plant Species Richness Determinants in Ephemeral Ponds and Permanent Wetlands Clayton Olson and Jack Ritchie Faculty Advisors: Dr. Amanda Little and Dr. James Church……………....150 Photopolymerization of Methylmethacrylate: An Inexpensive, Open Source Approach for the Undergraduate Lab Noah J. Holzman Faculty Advisor: Dr. Matthew Ray………………………………………...164 Post-Materialism and Environmental Values in Developed vs. Semi-Devel oping Countries: Analysis of Argentina and United States using the World Values Survey Rachel J. Weber Faculty Advisor: Dr. Nels Paulson………………………………………....177 Relationship between Achievement Goals and Psychological Flow Logan Michels Faculty Advisor: Dr. Chelsea M. Lovejoy…………………………………186 S audi Arabian University Student Cultural Integration: An Analysis of International Student Experiences and Domestic Student Perceptions Michael J. Mataczynski Faculty Advisor: Dr. Nels Paulson………………………………………...203 Seasonal Trends in Permanent and Ephemeral Wetland Water Chemistry Pamela A. Gehant Faculty Advisors: Dr. Amanda Little and Dr. James Church………….........215 Social Networks of University Students with Mental Illness Brandy Kopa Faculty Advisors: Dr. Nels Paulson, Dr. Tina Lee, and Dr. Chris Ferguson..224 An Unsuccessful Empirical Study of Problem Solving Via Concept- Mapping Aaron Moren Faculty Advisor: Dr. David M Plum…………………………….............…240
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