Journal of Student Research 2016

Journal Student Research



Table of Contents

Gender Disparities among Tanzanian Public Schools Esuvat Molell Faculty Advisor: Dr. Anne Hoel……………………………………………126 Hegemonic Masculinity as Predictor of Body Satisfaction Meghan Verhagen Faculty Advisor: Dr. Nels Paulson………………………………………….137 Intention and Consequence in Stem Cell Research Justin Olson Faculty Advisor: Dr. Timothy Shiell…………………………...…………...151 International Influence on the Displacement of Refugees from Yugoslavia Shelby Schuppe Faculty Advisor: Dr. Tina Lee…………………………………...………….165 Justifying Homosexuality: Globalization and its Impact Lucas Feldkamp Faculty Advisor: Dr. Nels Paulson……...…………………………………..173 B Vitamin Supplementation in Treating Depression Melissa Klemp Faculty Advisor: Karen Osteno……..……………………………………...182 Torture in Art Throughout History Anna Danielson (Senior) Faculty Advisor: Dr. Lopamudra (Lopa) Basu………………………………196 The Absence Koua Xiong Faculty Mentor: Bryan Ritchie……………………………………………..207 Bad Feminist (for Roxane Gay) Tiffany Lange Faculty Mentor: Daniel Atyim……………………………………………..212 Discrete Karlaya Lee Faculty Mentor: Charles Matson Lume…………………………………….218 Projections Raine Nimmer Faculty Mentor: Masako Onodera…………………………………………223 GRADUATE……………………………………………………………………. FINE ART SUBMISSIONS …………………………………………………...


Adult Criminality Outcomes of Former Foster Care Youth: Implications for Policy and Practice Lydia Pfluger Faculty Advisor: Dr. Tina Lee………………………………………………10 Allies and the LGBTQ+ Community Lucas Feldkamp Faculty Advisor: Dr. Thomas Pearson………………………………………25 Assessing Diversity Competence in Resident Advisors Morgan Wolf Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sarah Wood……………………………………………34 Autism Spectrum Disorder and Professional Job Interviews Ethan Tostrud Faculty Advisor: Dr. Mitchell Sherman……………………………………..50 Child Life Specialist: The Chief Executive Officer Perspective Phylicia Fehlen Faculty Advisor: Dr. Susan Wolfgram……………………………………….61 Depression & Anxiety in Critical Transitional Periods in an Adolescent’s Life Alexa DeMoe Faculty Advisor: Dr. Colleen Etzbach……………………………………….74 Does Student Residence Influence Physical Activity at UW-Stout De’Andre Jones Faculty Advisor: Dr. Diane Klemme…………………………………………86 Exploring Job Qualifications for an Entry Level Apparel Position and Use of Technologies in Portfolio: From Undergraduates’ Perspectives Kang Chu Thao Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joungeun Rhee……………………………………….100 Financial Knowledge and College Debt: Understanding Variables that Influence Student Borrowing Trends Hillary Hoffman Faculty Advisor: Dr. Nels Paulson………………………………………….113

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