Outlook Magazine - Fall 2019
Motion capture studio opens In May, a School of Art and Design grand opening was held for the new motion capture studio in Micheels Hall. Movements of an actor in a special suit are brought to life with animation software, making the impossible seem possible through special effects. Motion capture studios are standard in the movie industry and are used in other fields, such as video games, health care and athletics. Food pantry for students opens In April, Helping Hand food plus pantry for students opened in University Services, 817 S. Broadway St. It provides access to food and other life essentials for students facing any level of food insecurity. Nationally, about one-third of university students are food-insecure.
Blue Devil Guarantee scholarship Many first-year students at UW-Stout are benefiting from the new Blue Devil Guarantee scholarship. All students automatically qualify if they generally meet UW-Stout’s admission standards. The awards are $1,000, $2,000 or $3,000, renewable for a second year, depending on ACT or SAT score and high school grade-point average. Professor receives UW System award, grant In the spring, Saleh Alnaeli, an assistant professor of computer science, received the prestigious UW System Regents Scholar Award, along with a $50,000 grant. Alnaeli will lead a nine-person team, mostly students, in 2019 and 2020 at UW-Stout and UW-Parkside in a software security research project.
Video major, No. 50, approved In October, a new undergraduate major — UW-Stout’s 50th — in video production was approved by the UW System. It builds on the existing photography and video minor, along with other related majors such as graphic communications and graphic design. “This program is not aimed at film and video as fine art, but rather as a communication medium for business, nonprofits and other entities wishing to reach an audience through visual means,” Interim Chancellor Patrick Guilfoile said.
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