Outlook Magazine - Fall 2019
The search for a leader New chancellor to be named by early December; interim leaders appointed
The search is on for the eighth chancellor of UW-Stout.
That search began after Chancellor Bob Meyer announced in March that he was retiring after 32 years of working at UW-Stout, the last five as chancellor. Meyer’s last day was Aug. 18. Former Provost Patrick Guilfoile is serving as interim chancellor. Associate Vice Chancellor Glendali Rodriguez is serving as interim provost. The UW System Board of Regents has established a search and screen committee to recruit and review applications for the next chancellor. Members are: • Vice chair: Julie Bates-Maves, associate professor in the College of Education, Hospitality, Health and Human Sciences (faculty) • Former Regent John Robert Behling • Anne Kelly Hoel, professor in the College of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Management (faculty) • Regent Cris Peterson • Robert Ward, board member, Stout University Foundation (community/alumni member) • Alexander Serier, vice president, Stout Student Association (student) • Regent Carolyn Stanford Taylor • Former Regent S. Mark Tyler A consulting firm, Storbeck/Pimentel & Associates, is aiding in the search and screen process. A position description is available at: https://uwstout.cld.bz/ Chancellor-Search. The schedule for the search and screen process calls for all applications to be due Sept. 13. Semifinalists will be interviewed at a neutral site Oct. 18-20. Finalists are scheduled to visit campus Nov. 4-15. The Board of Regents is scheduled to appoint the new chancellor Dec. 5-6. • Chair: Regent Jason Plante • Lystra Yates, records manager, Registration and Records (staff)
It is undetermined, at present, when the new chancellor would actually take office.
More information is available at: www.uwstout.edu/chancellor-search.
Patrick Guilfoile
Glendali Rodriguez
U W - S T O U T O U T L O O K
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