Outlook Magazine - Fall 2016
Does history repeat itself, as the saying goes? Historic photos from campus paired with more recent photos show that history has at times come full circle during UW-Stout’s first 125 years.
Left: 2016, student Mara Dietrich’s bridal collection Right: 1969, fashion photo shoot at Devil’s Punchbowl
Top: 1970 Right: 2015, first day of classes
Above: 1954, prom dance queen Right: 2016, DJ zz Jackal puts on a show for campus
Top: 2015, Brett Brandenburg, a transfer student picking up textbooks Right: 1968, student browses in the library
Top: 2014, Maleka “Polly” Hashmi (left) and Audrey Freischel. do cardiovascular biology research in the physiology lab Above: 2001, Professor Glenn Gehring works with a student in Fryklund Hall
Above: 1969, students socialize and dine in Tainter Hall Left: 2016, students take a break in the Terrace of the Memorial Student Center.
Top: 2016, UW-Stout staff show their 125 year pride Right: 1951, Stout Institute Band at football game
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