Outlook Magazine - Fall 2016
ANNUAL REPORT I am pleased to report that the Stout University Foundation, Inc. has enjoyed another highly successful year. While the substantial budget cuts facing UW-Stout have impacted the Foundation as well, we are viewing this challenging time as an opportunity to strengthen the Foundation’s fundraising programs to help provide much-needed new sources of revenue for the university. STOUT UNIVERSI TY FOUNDAT ION, INC.
We are deeply appreciative of all our alumni, friends and industry partners who have made gifts to the Foundation through our college campaigns, scholarships and other initiatives this year. Every gift truly makes a difference, as the level of participation in philanthropy is an important measure of the university’s strength and impacts its overall ratings and reputation. As a result of this generosity, the Stout University Foundation was able to provide $2 million in financial support for UW-Stout, including a total of $733,541 distributed for scholarship awards to 385 UW- Stout students. Finally, I wish to again extend my sincere appreciation to members of the Foundation Board of Directors. Along with their exemplary service and generous support in giving, the Board approved a
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The greatest challenge currently facing UW-Stout is the recruitment and retention of faculty and staff. When Chancellor Meyer was inaugurated in 2015, the Foundation established the Chancellor’s Fund for Teaching Excellence and Student Success. I am excited to report that $78,872 in gifts have been received since its creation and will be immediately invested in professional development for faculty and staff. With an increasing need for private support, it is gratifying to report the Foundation’s fundraising accomplishments for the 2015-2016 fiscal year were strong, exceeding fundraising goals on a number of levels. Outright gifts totaled over $2.2 million while total fundraising production, including pledges and planned gifts, reached an impressive $6.2 million. I am also pleased to report gifts for existing and/or new endowments exceeded $759,000 and that 18 new named scholarships were created.
The Stout Summit Friday, Oct. 7, is an opportunity for alumni, community and industry to experience campus. Events will showcase the development of university programs and campus life featuring open houses, tours, demonstrations, research displays and professional development activities. The day will be topped off with an inspiring keynote from alumna Shelly Ibach, president and CEO of Select Comfort Corp., and a VIP social. 125 YEAR CELEBRATION HOMECOMING Join us back on campus Saturday, Oct. 8, for our 125th UW-Stout homecoming celebration. Bring your Blue Devil spirit and celebrate all weekend. Start with a free Homecoming Alumni & Community Breakfast at the Silver Dollar Saloon. After breakfast, head over to the Blue Devil Run/Walk, walk around downtown and watch the parade. Later, meet friends for the football pre- and postgame celebrations. Enjoy food, beverages, live music, karaoke, games and other festivities. Finish the weekend Sunday at the Homecoming Golf Scramble at Menomonie Golf & Country Club. There has never been a better time to get a group of friends together and come back to campus.
Matching Gift Program as part of UW-Stout’s 125th anniversary in 2016. This program matches gifts up to $62,500 toward a goal of raising $125,000 in select fundraising initiatives throughout the calendar year. Not only has this sent a wonderful message to our current donors, but it is inspiring many new and first-time gifts as well. I continue to be extraordinarily thankful for the efforts of our Board and their leadership in helping to create an even brighter future for UW-Stout.
Mark Parsons
Margaret “Penny” Swanson, widow of the late Chancellor Emeritus Robert S. Swanson, passed away July 11, 2016, at the age of 90 at her home in Rochester, Minn. Penny enrolled at the Stout Institute in the fall of 1944 and majored in dietetics. During her senior year, she met her soul mate Robert “Bob” Swanson. After graduating, Bob and Penny continued to build a life together in Menomonie. Bob was hired as an instructor at Stout; Penny raised their family and volunteered in the community. In 1972, Bob was appointed chancellor. Bob and Penny both were very passionate about the students at UW-Stout. Together they established the Margaret Pennington Swanson Endowed Scholarship and the Dr. Robert S. Swanson Endowed Scholarship. These gifts helped in making the dream of attending UW-Stout attainable to students regardless of economic background. Even after their passing, Bob and Penny’s passion and commitment to the students of UW-Stout lives on through their generous estate gift. To share your passion and learn more about how you can support the students and faculty of UW-Stout, contact Brenda Thompson at the Stout University Foundation at 715-232-1271, by email at thompsonbren@uwstout.edu, or online at www.uwstout.edu/foundation.
Share your passion and leave a legacy with the students and faculty of UW-Stout through your estate gift.
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