Outlook Magazine - Fall 2016
Colleges, Student Life Services Reorganized to Help Reduce Budget he 2015-17 state budget dealt UW-Stout a tremendous fiscal blow by reducing the amount of state aid the institution receives by $5.3 million a year. The campus Strategic Planning Group adopted a set of principles on how the significant reduction would be addressed, with the intent being to protect as much as possible the quality of education that students receive. To implement that principle, UW-Stout administrators reviewed operations outside of the academic areas for whatever reductions would be possible. That led to two major reorganizations. Colleges T
“My single-minded focus is on students, their learning and development.”
It took 125 years, but UW-Stout has awarded its first doctoral degrees. The university graduated 10 students May 7 with a Doctor of Education, Ed.D., in career and technical education. The school’s first doctorate program was approved by the UW System Board of Regents in February 2013 and by the Higher Learning Commission, UW-Stout’s accrediting body, in October 2013. The first students enrolled in fall 2013. UW-Stout, founded in 1891, has offered master’s degree programs since 1935. “The degree is designed to help career technical education professionals — administrators and instructors — advance their careers and contribute to workforce development with applied research,” said Professor Urs Haltinner, program director. In career and technical education, UW-Stout also offers master’s and bachelor’s programs. The programs are an outgrowth of one of the school’s earliest programs from the early 1900s, industrial education. In addition to the first doctoral graduates, commencement featured UW-Stout’s first graduate in the Master of Fine Arts in design program, Mary Rohl, of River Falls. The MFA in design, requiring 60 credits like the CTE doctorate, is considered the equivalent of a doctorate in the fine arts field. University’s first doctorates awarded at May commencement MAKING HISTORY CTE doctoral program graduates are front row from left, Nancy Chapko, Shelly Olson, Laura Reisinger and Kinga Jacobson. Back row from left, Mike Bird, Brian Bartel, Jeffrey Sullivan, Matthew Simoneau, Shaun Dudek and Matthew Janisin.
The number of colleges was reduced from four to three, effective July 1. The reorganization will save about $360,000 a year. The idea was recommended in 2015 by the campus Strategic Planning Group as one way to address the state aid reduction imposed in the 2015-17 state budget. • College of Arts, Communication, Humanities and Social Sciences • College of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Management • College of Education, Hospitality, Health and Human Sciences Maria Alm will remain the dean of the College of Arts, Communication, Humanities and Social Sciences. Chuck Bomar was selected following a search as dean of the College of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Management. Robert Salt was selected following a search as dean of the College of Education, Hospitality, Health and Human Sciences. The final structure is:
UW-Stout Professor Steve Nold, who was named a Wisconsin Academy Fellow to the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, teaches a freshman biology class.
A Fine Fellow Professor inducted into Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters
Jerry Poling
Nold, chair of the biology department, was recognized for “blurring the lines between original research and undergraduate
W-Stout Professor Steve Nold has been inducted as a Wisconsin Academy Fellow into the Wisconsin Academy
of Sciences, Arts and Letters.
education,” according to the academy website. Using the tools of discipline-based education research, Nold studies how classroom students learn when they perform original scientific studies. In his classes, Nold uses and develops cooperative, problem- based, case study and open- ended inquiry techniques to inspire student learning. “My single-minded focus is on students, their learning and development,” he said.
The Fellow award, the academy’s highest level of recognition given to individuals, “acknowledges a high level of accomplishment as well as a lifelong commitment to intellectual discourse and public service,” according to the academy’s website. Nold, who has taught at UW-Stout since 2000, was nominated by Chuck Bomar, dean of the College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. “I nominated Steve since he is a clear visionary on the state of science education in the state
Jerry Poling
From top: Maria Alm, Chuck Bomar, Robert Salt.
Also, UW-Stout Online and the Graduate School are being merged for a total savings of up to $100,000. Student Life Services Provost Patrick Guilfoile and Phil Lyons, vice chancellor for Administrative and Student Life Services, announced a major reorganization in some areas that provide services to students. The plan also went into effect July 1. The interim position of dean of students and director of housing became a permanent position and will be located administratively in the Division of Administrative and Student Life Services. The interim dean, Sandi Scott-Duex, will continue in the merged role. The position of executive director of Enrollment Services will be replaced by the position of executive director of Enrollment and Student Services.
Professor Stephen Nold and students Mary Marchiafava, Courtney Worthington and Peng Vang collect data and water samples from Tainter Lake.
Nold, one of 11 people recognized and the first at UW-Stout to be inducted into the academy, received the award April 17 in Madison.
and country. His efforts to engage students at all levels have made him a game changer in higher education,” Bomar said. Nold called the induction “an enormous honor. To be recognized alongside the great scientific thinkers, writers and artists in the state of Wisconsin is humbling,” he said. “I feel challenged and energized to continue my work improving scientific thinking skills among the people in our great state.”
For more information about the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences Fellow award, refer to the website www.wisconsinacademy.org/fellows .
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