Outlook Magazine - Fall 2018

S T A F F Mark Parsons Vice Chancellor, University Advancement and Marketing

Doug Mell Executive Director of Communications and External Relations

Fall 2018 • University of Wisconsin-Stout

Amy Luethmers Director of Marketing

Jerry Poling Assistant Director, University Communications Pam Powers Communications Specialist, University Communications Mesa Covill ‘07 ‘09 Senior Alumni Relations Officer Jennie Smith ‘11 Campaign and Donor Relations Coordinator


Stephanie LaBair Sr. Graphic Designer, University Marketing Cade Walters ‘14 Graphic Designer, University Marketing

L E A R N I N G E N V I R O N M E N T S C O N T. 20 21 22 23 School of Art and Design hoping for new lab Collaboration is key at the Child and Family Study Center Corporate donations, partnerships improve labs, learning experiences University named center of excellence for cyber defense

M E S S A G E F R O M T H E C H A N C E L L O R 2 Chancellor Bob reflects on the 2017-2018 academic year

Brett Roseman University Photographer

O N C A M P U S 3 4

Cheryl Keyes ‘92 Production Manager, University Marketing Emily Wettergren Student Designer, University Marketing S H A R E YO U R N E W S We’d love to hear from you, and your fellow alumni would too! Drop us a line about your promotion, a reunion, or just to reminisce. S T O U T T R A D I T I O N S Your Alumni Association is interested in learning what traditions were part of your days on campus. Were there bon- fires after the hockey games; did you have weekly dances; what event(s) did your fraternity or sorority hold each year? As you think back to those events, please share them with us.

Snapshots of the 2017-2018 academic year

Bowman, Clock Tower renovation project aiming for historical accuracy

P R O G R A M I N N OV A T I O N 25 26 28 30 31

P A T H WAY S F O R WA R D 6 8 9 S T U D E N T E X P E R I E N C E 11 12 13 14 L E A R N I N G E N V I R O N M E N T S 17 18

Prent donation boosts packaging labs Center for Study of Institutions and Innovation encourages civil debate Professor hopes to see his virtual reality instruction project expand across campus Alumnus’ company designs, builds high-tech equipment A successful and enduring relationship – Greenheck and UW-Stout

UW-Stout embarks on its first comprehensive campaign

Pathways Forward’s progress

Meet the campaign leadership

Donations that boost professors’ research are helping students begin careers Graphic design grad realizes NY dream after landing job with L’Oréal School of Hospitality Leadership marks 50 years of success with special events

C L A S S N O T E S 32

Class notes; Chancellor Emeritus Sorensen remembered

E M A I L alumni@uwstout.edu

Successful hospitality alumni

A T H L E T I C S 36 36

P H O N E (715) 232-1151

First-time head coaches take over women’s, men’s basketball programs Senior Sam Elsner wins national titles in shot put, discus

O N L I N E Share your news or ideas at www.uwstout.edu/alumni

Robert F. Cervenka School of Engineering helps create ‘hub of excellence’ Pankowskis make $4M estate commitment


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