Outlook Magazine - Fall 2022
Our students, faculty, staff, and alumni con tinue to amaze us, and we are pleased to cel ebrate their impressive work throughout this edition. You will read about faculty member Dr. Laura McCullough recognized for her outstanding teaching by the UW System; the lifetime achievements of our distinguished alumnus, Dr. BryanAlbrecht; and the incredi ble success stories of several students, faculty, staff, and alumni. As I emphasized during my investiture remarks, “To do at Stout is in our DNA, from our earliest beginnings, and it resonates loudly today throughout our campus in our programs and through the success of our graduates. Our success not only depends on the commitment and hard work of our university community, but also on the commitment of our surround ing community and our many partners who are so essential to the complete Stout learning experience.” All of you help to “make the magic happen” at Stout. Thank you for all that you do! With Stout pride,
I am delighted to introduce the latest edi tion of the Outlook alumni magazine. This edition is arriving a bit later than usual due to some major events we wanted to feature from Fall 2022 in conjunction with Home coming and Celebration Weeks. Both weeks were filled with activities, recognition, and major announcements, and we were thrilled to have so many of you join us back on campus. After navigating the challenges of the last two years, it is exhilarating to be able to celebrate the many people, occasions, and contribu tions that make our university community so special. As you will see, we have been busy during the last year at UW-Stout. New leaders have continued to join us, including Erik Gue nard, Vice Chancellor of Business, Finance, and Administrative Services; Quin Brooks, the inaugural Assistant Chancellor of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion; Michael Huggins, Strategic Marketing Officer; and Seth Hudson, Executive Director of Corporate Relations and Economic Engagement. Glendali Rodriguez, formerly in an interim role, was appointed Provost and Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs following a national search. Ours is a dynamic leadership group, and I feel very lucky to be surrounded and inspired by such exceptional colleagues! Work aligned with FOCUS2030, our 10-year strategic plan, has continued to advance. New majors have been launched on campus, building renovations are progressing, univer sity-community projects such as the new stu dent-designed and -produced mural have been completed, the new women’s lacrosse team will commence official play and competition in Spring 2023, and a new university mark has been introduced. Our alumni and partners con tinue to support UW-Stout in record numbers, and we are delighted to be celebrating many recent gifts and philanthropic milestones. Many of you donate your time, talent, and/ or treasure to the university, and your gener osity has a profound impact throughout our UW-Stout community.
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