Return To Spring 2021
Childcare The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the delivery methods for some K-12 school districts and may impact daycare operations. During the COVID-19 pandemic, supervisors may approve telecommuting arrangements due to childcare needs on a temporary, limited basis. Temporary, limited basis is defined as up to two days per week during an identified period (e.g. until school returns to in-person delivery), or more than two days per week at a duration of one month or less. Approval of a temporary, limited telecommuting arrangement due to COVID-19 does not require the submission of a telecommuting application. Approval of a temporary, limited telecommuting arrangement during the pandemic is at the supervisor’s discretion based on the nature of the work responsibilities and operational need. Support and service to students and employees must be prioritized. For faculty and instructional academic staff, teaching assignments and responsibilities must be met as scheduled. In all areas, on-site services must continue to be provided to students and campus stakeholders. Examples of COVID-19 temporary, limited telecommuting arrangements may include, but are not limited to: • An employee telecommutes one day per week until K-12 schools return to in-person classes. • An employee telecommutes for 14 days due to the unexpected, temporary closure of a daycare or quarantine requirement. • An employee telecommutes five days per week for three weeks due to a temporary shift to virtual K-12 schooling. Employees requesting to telecommute for situations outside of these guidelines are required to submit a telecommuting application for review and approval by the supervisor, dean/director, and division administrator. Employees who are unable to telecommute due to the nature of the work responsibilities, operational need, or due to difficulties managing childcare and their work responsibilities, should work with their supervisor and the Human Resources office on available leave options.
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