Return to Spring 2022
Attendance Students are expected to communicate directly with their faculty member regarding all absences. The attendance policy of each instructor is to be submitted in writing to each student at the beginning of the course. Medical documentation may not be available to a student for absences related to COVID-19. Therefore, the current university policy requiring that a student submit medical documentation for absences longer than three days to the Dean of Students is suspended. The Dean of Students (DOS) office will notify instructors for absences related to personal or family situations where a student has submitted documentation to the DOS for a medical absence, typically non-COVID-19 related. Students who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 are asked to stay home and contact their medical provider for medical advice. On-campus students can contact Student Health Services by phone, 715-232-1314, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. CST. Depending on symptoms and vaccination status, students may be asked to self-isolate until they are symptom-free or have been advised to take further action. Students are expected to follow through on all missed coursework in a timely manner and should return to class when they are advised to do so by a contact tracer or when they have been symptom free for the appropriate number of days under current CDC guidance. Instructor-Student and Student-Instructor Communications Instructor-Student and Student-Instructor communications remain critical to foster academic success. Instructors should be prepared to provide continuity of instruction for students who are ill, quarantined, or required to isolate. This may involve recording class sessions or providing content in some other way. Please contact with any questions regarding the technology available to assist in instructional delivery. Instructors should continue to provide office hours for students and have the option to provide these remotely. Students should check email the week before classes begin and communicate with instructors, advisors or other mentors as concerns arise.
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