Return to Spring 2022
HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICES Face Masks Correct and consistent mask use is a key piece to prevent contracting and spreading COVID-19. Face masks or face coverings will be worn by all students, employees, and visitors when indoors on campus. Masks are not required when an individual is alone in their office with the door shut or residence hall room; however, they are required when in the presence of others and in common areas (this includes common workspaces, meeting rooms, hallways, restrooms, elevators, and classrooms). A limited supply of N95 and KN95 masks are available for employees and students. Please contact the Safety and Risk Office at 232-2188 or email to inquire about N95 or KN95 mask eligibility.
Due to the transmittable nature of the omicron strain, well-fitting masks are important for prevention: • Two or more layers; • Completely cover the nose and mouth; • Fit snugly against the sides of your face; and • Have a nose wire Mask Accommodations: • Faculty, staff, and students will provide documentation via a formal accommodation request to be considered for an exception to wearing masks. accommodation via Disability Services. • Employees will request the accommodation via Human Resources. • For additional information, please review the Chancellor’s mask order online. • Students will request the
All face coverings, whether disposable or reusable, must:
• Fully cover the nose and mouth; • Either cover the chin or secure under the chin (open chin bandanas are not acceptable); and • Be free of any holes (macrame’, crocheted and knitted masks are prohibited). removed and food spillage also makes cleaning and disinfection less efficient, no eating should occur during classes. Although drinking also requires masks to be removed, due to the importance of hydration, it is allowed. Use good judgment and re-mask immediately after taking a drink. Food & Beverages in Class: • Because masks must be
COVID-19 Vaccine The best protection from COVID-19 is a combination of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine and recommended COVID-19 booster vaccine, wearing a mask when appropriate, monitoring for symptoms, staying home when sick, and washing your hands often. Learn about the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccination online. Faculty, staff, and supervisors are prohibited from discriminating against individuals regarding vaccination status. Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to get a booster shot five months after the primary series of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or two months after the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. Individuals may get a different booster vaccine than with which they originally completed the series.
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