SLS_Fall 2024_Life@Stout_SYE




Know your roommate Based on the some of your answers, we’ll ask you some Yes or No questions to a create your roommate profile that other students can review when looking for a roommate. You can mark criteria as Critical if there’s not a lot of wiggle room but use that sparingly to keep your options open! We’ll ask questions about: smoking and alcohol preferences, your feelings on guests or significant others in the room, special interests, like video games, sports, travel, or community service, and views on inclusion and diversity or willingness to discuss differences. MAKING THE TRANSITION > Whether you’re transferring from another university or starting your college career Spring Semester, we look forward to you joining our community.

Know Yourself It may sound odd, but if you’ve never lived in close quarters with someone, you may have never considered how personality or lifestyle choices can influence relationships. Are you more of an introvert or extrovert? How would you rate your cleanliness? (Be honest!) When do you prefer to wake up and go to bed? Do you like having people over a lot or keep things quiet to study?

Start the conversation After you have a roommate, be sure to connect with them and learn more about them before you move in. It paves the way for clear communication throughout the year! What roommate preferences answers intrigued you? Who’s bringing what?! What are you both looking for in a roommate? Talk on the phone or meet up, if possible. Relying on texting or posts from social media can lead to miscommunication.

You don’t have to be best friends to be great roommates. Roommates that mutually respect one another’s belongings, space, and preferences tend to have a great living experience even if they don’t share the same interests or social circles!

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