Strategic Enrollment Management Plan

Management Structure To ensure the SEP remains a participatory process that is grounded in data, it is managed by several groups: SEP Council The role of the SEP Council is to engage senior leaders on campus to determine the scope of the SEP process, to identify KPIs, and to oversee and support the work of the SEP Committee. The Vice Chancellor of Enrollment and Strategic Initiatives is the liaison between the SEP Council and SEP Committee. SEP Committee The SEP Committee oversees the SEM planning and implementation process and develops mechanisms for tracking the implementation and effectiveness of the SEP. SEP Data Team The SEP Data Team supports the data needs of the SEP process and helps prioritize data requests that come forward through this process. The Data Team focuses on the enrollment projection model and will continue to support the SEP project through tracking and monitoring data pieces. SEP Action Plan Implementation Teams The SEP Action Plan Implementation Teams work together to implement each of the Strategic Enrollment Action Plans, some of which contain subplans. Strategic Planning Group The Strategic Planning Group oversees implementation of the university strategic plan, FOCUS2030. On an annual basis, an SEP action plan is submitted to this group.

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