Strategic Enrollment Management Plan
Review & Expand Sports Module Overarching Strategy: At the beginning of the SEP, UW-Stout offered 19 varsity sports. Sports expansion provides opportunities to recruit new students who may not have attended the University otherwise. Key Performance Indicators: Growth in the number of new students enrolled in a sports module. Baseline: 193 (3-year average); Current Year Outcome: 2024FA = 212 (3-year average 198) Co-Leads: Duey Naatz & Erin Sullivan Cabinet Sponsor: Duey Naatz Strategic International Student Enrollment Partnerships Overarching Strategy: Developing strategic partnerships with domestic and international institutions of higher education and third-party education organizations serves multiple purposes (e.g., brand-building, increased awareness of Stout programs, elimination of barriers to admission, facilitation of transfer credits, dual-degree articulation agreements, etc.) with the aim to increase international student enrollment. Key Performance Indicators: Growth in the number and retention of international students. Note: the primary focus will be on enrollment growth. Baseline: 196 (Fall 2022); Current Year Outcome: 2024FA – 322 (317 in person, 5 online) Lead: Scott Pierson Cabinet Sponsor: Glendalí Rodríguez Transfer Center Subplans: Credit for Prior Learning, Veteran and Military Students Overarching Strategy: Develop a one-stop center for transfer students to streamline recruitment, admission, transfer evaluation, articulation, and advising. Simplify transfer credit evaluation and course transfer processes. The transfer center action plan will: • Attract, retain, and graduate veteran and military students through a comprehensive, integrated approach that addresses considerations unique to this student group. Additionally, attract, retain, and graduate students who are the spouses or children of veterans and military members through efforts that address factors that may apply to their situation. • Identify policy change, process efficiency, and marketing/promotional recommendations to extend and improve Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) in an effort to attract and retain adult, degree-completion students who have a wealth of work experience that can meet the learning objectives of UW-Stout coursework. Key Performance Indicators: • Transfer Center: Growth in enrollment and retention rate of the transfer students compared to the transfer student numbers in the baseline year. Baseline: 78.9% (3-year average), 399 transfer enrollments (fall 2022); Current Year Outcome: Transfer retention rate for 2023FA cohort, full time: 79.7%, Fall 2024 Transfer Enrollment = 402 • Credit for Prior Learning (CPL): Growth in the number of students who receive credit for prior learning and growth in the number of credits students receive for prior learning, measure the number of CPL offerings and/or programs with CPL that we are promoting to prospective students and growth in those offerings over time. Baseline: 92 (CBE); 489 (Portfolio) (add these numbers together) (3-year average number of annual credits); Current Year Outcome: 2023-2024: 79 (CBE), 349 (Portfolio) Total: 428 • Veteran and Military Students: Growth in Retention rate of the veteran and military students compared to retention rate of veteran and military students in baseline year. Baseline: 61.7% (Fall 2021); Current Year Outcome: 65.9% (Fall 2023-Fall 2024) Lead: Darren Ward Cabinet Sponsor: Meridith Wentz
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