Sustainability Action Plan



For landscaping, implement the following practices: Employ xeriscaping techniques that use drought resistant, native plants Choose high maintenance grasses and plants sparingly

Conduct an audit to measure water use indoors and outdoors on campus Create an inventory of water use fixtures, faucets, spigots, etc. Determine which buildings and locations are: High flow areas: where water is used more frequently and have fewer issues with water quality Low flow areas: where water is used less frequently, having more issues with water quality and thus a need to increase water consumption Regularly track water consumption data based on meter readings After audit has been completed, modify or replace existing equipment to conserve water After audit has been completed, develop an operating procedure for water use and conservation Consider purchase of temporary strap-on flow meters that use ultrasonic waves

Amend soil with compost and use mulch to retain water and minimize irrigation

Irrigate in the morning to minimize evaporation

Use timers to avoid overuse of water

Use rain sensors to avoid overuse of water

Install Watersense certified toilets, faucets, urinals, and showerheads, as well as other water efficient fixtures as follows: Install Watersense certified landscape irrigation controllers



Investigate replacing water-cooled equipment with air- cooled equipment when possible. When replacing out-of-date equipment that uses water, replace with Watersense certified fixtures Add water conserving equipment to fixtures in our residence hall showers

Add water module for most or all campus buildings to the Building Dashboard to continually measure and showcase water use across campus

Waterless urinals

Faucet aerators for sinks in high-flow buildings

Dual flush toilets/ valves Sensor operated faucets

Train campus in how to report water leaks

Offer shower heads with an LED light that shows how many gallons used during shower Provide marketing and education with regard to water consumption Implement signage to explain why we’re doing water efficiency measures

Install water-saving devices

Research code requirements for converting restroom sinks to cold water only Implement water efficient hard floor cleaning equipment campus-wide

Meters and sub-meters

Evaluate waterless alternatives to current systems For high flow areas, install flow restrictions to reduce water pressure when it is too high Purchase low-water consuming washing machines for buildings with laundry facilities

In 2012, UW-Stout established the Campus-Wide Energy Committee to work on energy efficiency and conservation measures.

The UW-Sprout campus garden was established in 2014, and began selling vegetables to campus customers in 2015.



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