Transfer Orientation - Spring 2023



11:45 PM - 12:15 PM Resource Fair Price Commons, Menomin Lounge, Lower Level We encourage students and guests to explore the Resource Fair and ask questions of various offices and departments. 12 PM - 12:45 PM


1:15 PM - 1:55 PM

ID and Laptop Pick Up - Students Sorensen Hall

You will be taken as a group to get your ID card and laptop.

Lunch Price Commons, Upper Level

1:25 PM – 1:55 PM

Student Panel - Guests Great Hall, MSC

12:45 PM – 1:15 PM

Get to know a few of our current students. Ask them about their experience, likes, dislikes, and what makes them Stout Proud.

Special Sessions Price Commons

Choose your own Adventure! BREAKOUT SESSIONS Student Success Tips, Gilbert Creek - Hear from a current student and member of the Advisement Center as they share their best tips for success! Financial Literacy, Cranberry Creek - Meet individually with staff from the Financial Aid Office to ask questions of your individual situation. Student Services, Elk Creek - Learn about Student Support Services, Fostering Success, and Multicultural Student Services. What qualifies you for these programs and how they can help you succeed in college.

2 PM – 3 PM

Breakout Sessions

Breakout Session Options

Campus Employment Ballroom A, MSC

Attend the session to learn how students can access work-study and state payroll positions as well as additional student job resources through Handshake. Presented by the Financial Aid and Student Employment Office. Counseling and Student Health Ballroom B, MSC Be part of our healthy college community and learn about Student Health Services operated by Prevea Health and the Counseling Center. Campus Safety and Security Ballroom C, MSC UW-Stout’s University Police Department leadership will provide an overview of what families and guests should know about student safety and security on campus.

2 PM - 2:25 PM

Session I

2:35 PM - 3 PM

Session II



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