Career Success Guide

Identify and respond to needs based upon an understanding of situational context and logical analysis of relevant information. Need to Develop Currently Developing Excelling Action words to incorporate into bullet points on your resume: Analyzed Determined Gathered Interpreted Identified Solved Ways to develop this competency: • Develop an action plan with specific steps to solve a problem. • Brainstorm solutions to a problem before bringing it to a supervisor/professor. • Activate your mind – read, do puzzles, write, etc. Goal for developing this competency: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Critical Thinking Demonstrate the awareness, attitude, knowledge, and skills required to equitably engage and include people from different cultures and backgrounds. Engage in anti-oppressive practices that actively challenge the systems, structures, and policies of racism and inequity. Need to Develop Currently Developing Excelling Action words to incorporate into bullet points on your resume: Connected Diversified Encouraged Established Familiarized Interpreted Ways to develop this competency: • Attend an event on campus that encourages you to step outside your comfort zone. • Engage in conversation with individuals who have different perspectives than your own. • Participate in a study abroad or volunteer experience to broaden your horizons. Goal for developing this competency: ______________________________________________________________________________________ • Check for understanding by asking clarifying questions. • Proofread online and written communication to avoid errors. Goal for developing this competency: ______________________________________________________________________________________ CAREER AS Career Readiness - Career Assessment Are You Career Ready? Professional Competency Self-Assessment Tool: Take this self-assessment to see what professional competencies you need to develop and practice to be career ready and experience workplace success. Proactively develop oneself and one’s career through continual personal and professional learning, awareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses, navigation of career opportunities, and networking to build relationships within and without one’s organization. . Need to Develop Currently Developing Excelling Action words to incorporate into bullet points on your resume: Achieved Dedicated Established Implemented Improved Modified Updated Ways to develop this competency: • Develop plans & goals for one’s future career. • Display curiosity: seek out opportunities to learn. • Identify areas for continual growth while pursuing and applying feedback. Goal for developing this competency: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Career & Self-Development Equity & Inclusion Communication Clearly and effectively exchange information, ideas, facts, and perspectives with persons inside and outside of an organization. Need to Develop Currently Developing Excelling Action words to incorporate into bullet points on your resume: Addressed Authored Collaborated Communicated Documented Informed Negotiated Published Ways to develop this competency: • Develop and deliver a presentation for a class.


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