Employee Resource Guide
B-14 MANDATORY REPORTING REQUIREMENT FOR CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT Executive Order #54, issued by the Governor of Wisconsin in 2011, requires all University of Wisconsin System employees to report child abuse and neglect if, in the course of employment, a UW System employee observes or learns of such an incident. Please review additional information online. B-15 SEXUAL HARASSMENT The Sexual Harassment Policy prohibits sexual harassment, retaliation related to sexual harassment claims, knowingly reporting false sexual harassment complaints, and knowingly providing false information during the investigation of a sexual harassment complaint. All University employees are responsible for taking reasonable and necessary action to prevent sexual harassment; all members of the University community are expected to contribute to an environment free of sexual harassment and are encouraged to report promptly (pursuant to campus procedures) any conduct that could be in violation of this policy. For additional information regarding policy and reporting requirements please review UW- Stout policy 91-53. B-16 TELECOMMUTING POLICY UW-Stout is an institution that values hands-on learning and collaborative work experiences for our employees. However, UW-Stout also recognizes the potential value and benefit of telecommuting in appropriate work environments and in rare circumstances. Telecommuting is a cooperative arrangement between the employee and the employer. Telecommuting is a flexible, voluntary option that allows employees to work a portion of a work week/pay period at an alternative work site, based on a written agreement between the individual and UW-Stout for a specified period-of- time. For additional information regarding policy requirements, please review UW-Stout policy 18-81. B-17 TITLE CHANGE The purpose of this policy is to provide the basis for a title change of a filled position for all employee categories. Please review UW System Administrative Policy 1257. B-18 TOBACCO FREE WORKPLACE UW-Stout is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for its students, staff, and visitors. Tobacco products create health and environmental hazards to those who use them as well as to persons exposed to the by- products of their use. “Tobacco free” is an environment in which there is no use of lighted cigarettes, ci gars, pipes or other smoking materials. The term also includes smokeless tobacco products that result in expectorant and e-cigarettes. It is the policy of UW-Stout that tobacco use is prohibited on any property owned or controlled by UW-Stout and all UW- Stout staff and students are responsible for compliance and advising visitors of the policy. Violations will be handled like other work rule or policy violations. For additional information regarding policy requirements, please review UW-Stout policy 92-55. B-19 USE OF COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS Information Security: Awareness The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all individuals and organizations who access University of Wisconsin System information technology assets are exposed to information security awareness materials and have a level of understanding commensurate with their role within the UW System. For additional information regarding policy requirements, please review UW System Administrative policy 1032.
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