Employee Resource Guide



I-1 EXIT CHECKLIST As employees exit employment from UW-Stout, there are responsibilities and obligations that need to be kept in order to ensure a smooth transition. The guide below should be used by employees who are exiting for the following reasons:

• • •

Retirement Resignation

Non-renewal of contract

• Obtained employment with another Wisconsin State Agency

Guide for Exiting Employees:

All employees (excluding non-extended University Staff Temporary Employees) must submit their completed retirement/resignation letter with the effective date to their supervisor as an e-mail or hard copy a minimum of two weeks prior to departure.

Exiting employees should contact payroll and benefits to discuss benefit options, complete the exit checklist and enter any paid leave/worked hours by the employment end date. All campus property must be returned, including electronics.

Employees may request an exit interview by contacting the Human Resources office.

I-2 DEATH OF AN EMPLOYEE The Office of Human Resources will work with appropriate family members and the supervisor of the deceased employee to ensure that employment and benefit information and documentation is appropriately disseminated.

In the event of death of a retired UW-Stout employee, family members should work with the Department of Employee Trust Fund (ETF).

I-3 EMERITUS STATUS The chancellor, upon recommendation by a retiree's department and/or dean/director, may award emeritus status to a retiring person. Emeritus status is awarded based upon defined criteria. Individuals, who are awarded this status, have certain privileges and benefits at UW-Stout that help them to stay involved with their department and the campus community. Additional information on Emeritus Status can be found online.

I-4 LAYOFF Layoff procedures are governed by Wisconsin Statutes, UW System and UW-Stout procedures documented in governance appendices. Please review UW System Administrative Policy 1232.


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