Employee Resource Guide
UW-Stout provides a comprehensive orientation experience: online orientation modules, benefits orientation, New@UW-Stout in-person program, and a checklist to assist new employees in starting their career at UW-Stout. Please review additional information online. AUTHORIZATION TO WORK/I-9 Employment is contingent upon verification of identity and work authorization as required by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. New employees are required to complete the Employment Eligibility Verification (I-9) form on or before their first day of employment. Federal law prohibits UW-Stout from employing an individual who has not provided documentation for verification within three days of employment. C-1
C-2 CAMPUS CARD The Stout Blue Card is a UW-Stout official ID card. This card can be obtained and replaced at the Campus Card office.
C-3 EMPLOYMENT OF FOREIGN NATIONALS The University of Wisconsin-Stout sponsors foreign nationals in tenure-track faculty positions for their employment- based work authorization visa (H-1B) and employment-based immigrant petition (I-140). EMPLOYMENT TYPES The faculty/academic staff/limited (FASLi) employee category is comprised of faculty, academic staff, and administrators. FASLi employees in the University of Wisconsin System are exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). For purposes of the document, FASLi employees will identify all titles indicated below: FACULTY are individuals who hold a terminal degree in their field, and tenure or tenure-track teaching positions with the rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, or instructor in an academic department. Faculty appointments are either probationary or tenure appointments. • A probationary faculty appointment is the appointment status held by a faculty member before a decision on tenure is made. A probationary appointment is limited to seven years for a full-time faculty position, although this period may be extended for certain reasons, such as an approved leave of absence. • A tenure appointment is an appointment for an unlimited period-of-time, granted to a ranked faculty member by the Board of Regents. To be eligible for tenure, faculty members must hold an appointment of half-time or more. ACADEMIC STAFF are professional and administrative positions with duties primarily associated with higher education institutions or their administration which require a degree, certification or other professional credentials. • Non-instructional academic staff (NIAS) is a term used to identify academic staff positions that do not have primary responsibility for providing credit instruction and training to students in an academic discipline (e.g. professional, program manager, research, and administrative program director positions). • Instructional academic staff (IAS) is a term used to describe positions that have primary responsibility to provide for-credit instruction and training to students in an academic discipline. C-4
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