Journal of Student Research 2018

The Correlates of Trust Amongst Coworkers


17 In this team people minimized what they would tell about themselves. (r) 18 Most people in this team were open to advice and help from others.

Monitoring behaviors

19 In this team people watched each other very closely. 20 In this team people checked whether others kept their promises. 21 In this team most people would keep each other’s work under surveillance.

Appendix B: Perceived Relational Diversity 1 = not similar at all, 2 = somewhat dissimilar, 3 = slightly similar, 4 = somewhat similar, 5 = highly similar The following questions ask you to consider personal comparisons between yourself and the members of your workgroup (that is, the group of coworkers who report to your same supervisor). For each characteristic, please rate your perceived similarity to the group as a whole using the rating scale below. Please describe your personal perspective on this similarity, Rate rather than the perspective that you might be expected to have. VALUES (what is important to you; family orientation, ethics, helping the organization beyond what is required) GOALS (high achievement, desire for promotion, degree motivated by money or status) PERSONALITY (sociability, emotional stability, attention to detail, flexibility, importance of work, competitiveness, preference for working individually or in groups) SENSE OF HUMOR (finding similar things to be funny) RISK-TAKING (tendency to engage in dangerous activities or those with a high failure rate) CREATIVITY (ability to come up with ideas and ways of solving problems; originality) INTELLIGENCE (intellect, competence, IQ, insight)

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