Journal of Student Research 2018
Journal Student Research
WORK HABITS (early/late arrival to work, organized or not, pride in work, feel ownership of work, commitment level, accomplishment) INTERESTS (hobbies, sports, social activities) POWER (hierarchical position, control over others’ decisions) POLITICS (political orientation – conservative, liberal, etc., level of involvement) WORK EXPERIENCES (struggles, common experiences at work) PARENTHOOD (having children, similar ages of children) PHYSICAL ABILITY/ DISABILITY (status of needing or not needing a wheelchair or walking cane, being physically weak, speech, hearing, or vision impairment) Appendix C: Team Satisfaction 1 = extremely dissatisfied, 2 = dissatisfied, 3 = somewhat dissatisfied, 4 = neutral, 5 = somewhat satisfied, 6 = satisfied, 7 = extremely satisfied All in all, how satisfied were you with your team’s performance? All in all, how satisfied were you with the members of your team? How satisfied were you with the progress you made in this group? Considering the effort you put into the group, how satisfied were you with your team’s performance?
Appendix D: Demographic Questions
How long have you been working at this job _____Months _____Years How long did/have you worked with the team you referenced in this survey? _____ Weeks _____ Months _____Years Including yourself, how many people where part of the work group _____ Members Age _____ Sex _____ Male _____ Female
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