Return to Camp

Return to Camp 2021

RETURN TO C A M P 2 0 2 1


• Guiding Principles.....................................................................3 • Expectations and Guidelines......................................................3 • Camp Cohorts for Safety...........................................................3 • Staggered Drop-off of Campers..................................................3 Infectious Disease/COVID Prevention Plan • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)..........................................4 o Face Masks/Cloth Face Coverings.........................................4 • Personal Health and Well-Being .................................................5 o Coughing/Sneezing Hygiene and Frequent Handwashing..........5 o Hand Sanitizer. ....................................................................5 o Mental and Emotional Wellbeing............................................5 • Illness Prevention and Response. ..............................................6 o Social Distancing..................................................................6 • Healthy kids Plan for Stout Camps.............................................7 o Healthy Kids Requirement for All Campers at Stout.................7 o Single-Day Campers..............................................................7 o Youth Attending Camp for Two Consecutive Days or More. .......7 o COVID Symptom Checklist.....................................................8 o COVID Case Response Procedure Overview (If Your CHild Begins to feel Ill). .............................................8 o Restrooms...........................................................................8 o Cleaning and Disinfecting......................................................8 o Residence Halls...................................................................9




OVERVIEW Guiding Principles

The health and safety of our faculty, staff, students, campers and the public is UW-Stout’s top priority for developing protocols to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our health and safety requirements are aligned with local and state orders, along with guidance from the federal government, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, WI Department of Health Services, American College Health Association, and members of the UW-Stout Recovery Planning Team. Our knowledge and understanding of the COVID-19 virus continue to evolve. Therefore, our plans will be updated appropriately as more information becomes available. Expectations and Guidelines All employees and students are expected to fully comply with the protocols and guidelines outlined in this document. Failure to do so may result in corrective action. Camp Cohorts for Safety All employees and students are expected to fully comply with the protocols and guidelines outlined in this document. Failure to do so may result in corrective action. Staggered Drop-off of Campers UW-Stout will use a staggered drop-off system for camper check-in to minimize contact between households when you check-in. Like our award- winning college student check-in procedure: we will meet you in one of our signed parking lots, and we will handle all the paperwork with you at your car. See the specific registration forms for your particular camp for more details. Please visit our website: for the latest updates.




INFECTIOUS DISEASE/COVID PREVENTION PLAN Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Face Masks/Cloth Face Coverings


Face masks or face coverings will be worn by all students, employees and visitors whether working indoors or outdoors on campus, unless you have a health condition that limits your ability to wear a mask. Masks are not required when an individual is alone in their office with the door shut or residence hall room; however, they are required when in the presence of others and in common areas (this includes common workspaces, meeting rooms, hallways, restrooms, elevators, and classrooms). Appropriate use of face masks or coverings is critical in minimizing risks to others and maintaining a healthy work environment. You could spread COVID-19 to others even if you do not feel sick. The mask or cloth face covering is not a substitute for social distancing. Note: Some sports’ activities may require masks to be removed during competition, due to safety and visibility reasons. All face coverings, whether disposable or reusable, must: • Fully cover the nose and mouth; • Either cover the chin or secure under the chin (open chin bandanas are not acceptable); and • Be free of any holes (macrame’, crocheted and knitted masks are prohibited). When putting on the face covering/mask: • Wash hands or use hand sanitizer prior to handling the face covering/ mask; • Ensure the face-covering/mask fits over the nose and under the chin; • Situate the face-covering/mask properly with nose wire snug against the nose (where applicable); • Tie straps behind the head and neck or loop around the ears; and • Avoid touching the front of the face covering/mask throughout the process. Masks with Exhalation Valves and Vents: • The purpose of masks is to keep respiratory droplets from reaching others to aid with source control. However, masks with one-way valves or vents allow air to be exhaled through a hole in the material, which can result in expelled respiratory droplets that can reach others. This type of mask does not prevent the person wearing the mask from transmitting COVID-19 to others. Therefore, CDC does not recommend using masks for source control if they have an exhalation valve or vent. When taking off the face covering/mask: • Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth; • Loop your finger into the strap and pull the strap away from the ear or untie the straps; and • Wash hands immediately after removing.



Eating and Drinking in Class or Meetings: • Because masks must be removed and food spillage also makes cleaning and disinfection less efficient, no eating should occur during camp activities. Plenty of time will be provided for all campers to eat lunch in a safe location outside of the gym or activity venues. • Although drinking also requires masks to be removed during activities, due to the importance of hydration, it is allowed. Campers will be reminded to re-mask after taking water breaks. Care, Storage and Laundering: • Cloth face coverings should not be used more than one day at a time and should be washed or rotated out with a fresh one after each use. • Cloth face coverings should be properly laundered with regular clothing detergent before first use and after each day. Cloth face coverings should be replaced immediately if soiled, damaged (e.g. ripped, punctured) or visibly contaminated. • Stout will have extra cloth masks available for all campers, if someone should forget to bring a clean one for the day. We will also have lightweight, blue, disposable masks if campers would prefer a lighter mask. • Staff and students are advised to not alter their cloth face coverings by putting decorative pins on them, or other items that could lessen the protection of the cloth material. Mask and Medical Accommodations: • Parents must provide a sufficient number of masks for their child for the entire duration of the camp. • Parentsmust providemedical documentationviaa formal accommodation request to be considered for an exception to wearing of masks. All campers should practice good hygiene, especially covering their cough or sneezes. Most of the time, campers will be masked, but we will remind them to cover their mouth and nose if they need to cough while on lunch or water break. The best method for this is to cough or sneeze into the inside of their elbow. Then immediately wash your hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer. Stout will supply hand sanitizer at all camp venues. Hand Sanitizer All campers should practice good hygiene, especially covering their cough or sneezes. Most of the time, campers will be masked, but we will remind them to cover their mouth and nose if they need to cough while on lunch or water break. The best method for this is to cough or sneeze into the inside of their elbow. Then immediately wash your hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer. Stout will supply hand sanitizer at all camp venues. Mental and Emotional Wellbeing All UW-Stout camp directors and counselors will be trained in mental health and emotional wellbeing. They will discuss respect, fairness, and supporting each other with all camp attendees. Personal Health and Well-Being Coughing/Sneezing Hygiene and Frequent Handwashing




Illness Prevention and Response Social Distancing

COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through respiratory droplets when an infected individual coughs, talks or sneezes. These droplets can extend about 3 to 6 feet from the infected person. Maintaining a distance of 6 feet from others is one of the best ways to prevent being exposed to the COVID-19 virus and slowing its spread. COVID-19 may be spread by individuals not showing any symptoms


Don’t greet each other through touch or offer prolonged goodbyes.

Maintain at least six-feet between yourself and others.

Don’t congregate in the hallway or other public spaces.

Wash your hands for 20+ seconds when you arrive and before you leave.

Do not enter if you are feeling sick.

Refrain from touching your face or others.



Healthy Kids Plan for Stout Camps Stout has implemented a screening process to support the early identification of illness to help protect all of our campers and staff. Healthy Kids Requirement for All Campers at Stout All in-person camps at UW-Stout will follow the University of Wisconsin System COVID requirements to help ensure the health and well-being of all campers, their families, and Stout staff: Single-day Campers Youth arriving for single day camps should follow a self-quarantine procedure for 10 days prior to camp. This means that they should not be in close contact (within 6 feet) of non-family members for these 10 days prior to camp. They then must be symptom-free (see the COVID symptom list on the next page) upon arrival at camp. Stout will also monitor each camper’s health while at camp, including taking temperatures with no-touch infrared thermometers. In addition, Stout must be notified of any positive COVID tests of a camper within 3 days of the beginning or end of the camp. If a day-camper should start to feel ill while at camp, they should notify one of the camp counselors. Camp counselors will take the ill camper out of their cohort group and will stay with the camper in a comfortable room at Stout, with supervision, until parents can pick up their child. Parents must acknowledge the requirement to pick up their ill child or their COVID positive child) at registration. Parents must pick up their child within 4 hours of being notified. Youth attending camps for two consecutive days or more Youth who will be attending overnight or multiple day, day-camps, need to show: • proof of a recent negative COVID test taken within 3 days of camp arrival, or • test negative for COVID upon arrival by the Abbot Binax Now test on campus, or • show documentation of a positive COVID test within 90 days of camp activity and that they are past the completion of the isolation period. Then, while at camp, multiple day campers will be COVID tested once per week during camp. Stout will also monitor each camper’s health while at camp, including taking temperatures with no-touch infrared thermometers. Parents must acknowledge the testing requirement at registration, and grant permission for their child to be tested for COVID-19. Stout’s testing will be a COVID antigen test. The Stout Camp Director will advise on the method of the COVID test, which involves a nasal swab from both nostrils, and then a 15-minute wait time for the result. Any positive results will require the child to be removed from the cohort. Camp counselors will stay with the child in a comfortable room at Stout, with supervision, until parents can pick up their child. Parents must acknowledge the requirement to pick up ill or COVID- positive children at registration. The pick-up time allowed for parents to get their child is within 4 hours of being notified.




COVID-19 Symptom Checklist: All campers shall complete the COVID-19 Daily Self-Checklist before reporting to camp activities.

Based on guidance from the CDC, all campers need to consider these questions each day:

• Do you have any of the

breathing • Loss of taste or smell • Other respiratory symptoms • Cough • Sore Throat • Headache • Fatigue

following symptoms, even if very mild?


• Fever or feeling feverish • Muscle aches/Body aches • Nausea, Vomiting or Diarrhea • Chills • Shortness of breath/difficulty

*Evaluate these symptoms compared with how they are different from, or similar to, your baseline health (i.e. worse than normal, allergies, etc.).

COVID Case Response Procedure Overview UW-Stout has a COVID Response Team that meets daily. For the summer camp season, this team will include the youth camp directors to help ensure that our campers remain healthy and are cared for if any become ill. If Your Child Begins to Feel Ill While at Camp: • They should inform the camp counselor or director of their symptoms; • The camp counselor or director will then consult with our campus medical staff. • Any children needing to be quarantined due to COVID symptoms will be accompanied by camp staff, but will be separated from their cohort group. • The child’s contact parent will then be notified, and will have 4 hours to pick up their child. Restrooms Use of restrooms should be limited based on restroom size to ensure at least 6 feet between individuals. Signs have been placed to assist with ensuring this distance. As always, wash your hands thoroughly to reduce the potential transmission of the virus. Cleaning and Disinfecting UW-Stout understands that proper cleaning and disinfection is important to mitigate the risk of spreading COVID-19. Our custodial teams are following recommendations published by the CDC and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for products used for cleaning and disinfecting. These products are approved for use against COVID-19 and are applied per the manufacturers’ recommendations. Professional custodial crews will continue to clean and disinfect public spaces based on CDC guidelines. In addition, camp staff will also perform cleaning and disinfecting after they use our rooms and equipment for camp activities. Staff will ask the campers to pitch in and help. Disinfectant products in spray bottles and wiping materials have been selected for their effectiveness against COVID, and for their ease of use and low-overall toxicity. Chemical Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are available for parents upon request.



Residence Halls In response to COVID-19, Dining Services will be following CDC and local health department recommendations and guidelines to keep employees and guests safe. • All overnight campers will be expected to abide by residence hall community standards which have been designed to support a healthy living environment during the COVID-19 pandemic: • Campers will be expected to wear masks in the residence halls except when in the privacy of their residence hall rooms and when showering and brushing teeth. • Campers will be expected to physically distance at 6-foot intervals in all common residence hall areas. Common area furniture has been reorganized to allow for the physical distancing requirements. Furniture may not be moved since it has been strategically placed to keep students distanced. • Campers will be expected to maintain a basic level of cleanliness in their residence hall rooms. Proper and frequent handwashing is expected. Sanitizing stations will be placed at various entry and exit locations and students are expected to “tap in” and “tap out” by using the sanitizer when they enter and exit a building. o Each camp cohort will be organized by floor or cube in the Residence Halls and will have assigned restroom and shower facilities. Campers will be instructed to ONLY use their assigned restroom facility. • Other Residence Hall Rules An emergency number will be published and used to reach Housing staff, as needed. • Drinking fountains will be closed for community use. If possible, bottle filling stations will remain open if the fountain has a bottle filler. • Vending machines will be stocked. Campers should use the self- sanitizer available at each vending machine before and after use.




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