UW-Stout Commencement 2020 Program
COLLEGE of SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICS and MANAGEMENT Candidates Presented by Gindy Neidermyer, Ph.D., Interim Dean B achelor of S cience
S upply C hain M anagement Gene Gutman, M.S., Program Director
R etail M erchandising and M anagement Jongeun Rhee, Ph.D., Interim Program Director Aeschilde Ann Anderson Saint Michael, MN Ryan James Bjornstal River Falls, WI Samantha Jade Burg ** La Crescent, MN Audrey Mae Craft Stillwater, MN Emma Katherine Curran * Spooner, WI Lauren Christine Duvall * Sussex, WI Nicole Taylor Fitzgerald Franklin, WI Kaylyn Ann Kubishak Osseo, WI TaNia Rai Lyons-Sherwood Lakeville, MN Isabella Jean Pedlar * Rogers, MN Hannah Grace Peterman Minneapolis, MN Alexi Lynn Rafferty De Pere, WI Charlene Elizabeth Retzlaff * Milwaukee, WI Hannah Victoria Romain Minnetonka, MN Julia Karen Schade Saint Michael, MN Kellyn Clare Schubbe ** Appleton, WI Rachel Marlene Shew River Falls, WI Christina Rose Sunderman Farmington, MN
Abner Anderson August D Beck
Savage, MN Hartford, WI
Nathaniel Va Brockman
Kronenwetter, WI
Aiden William Doughman **
Cedarburg, WI
Drew Tyler Fleming
Hudson, WI
Anthony William Lopez
Saint Paul, MN Zimmerman, MN Eden Prairie, MN
Jacob Paul Martin John Allen Thies
S ustainable M anagement Dennis Weibel, M.S, Program Director
Devin Michael Beair
Van Wert, OH Iron Ridge, WI Conover, WI
Cody Krohn *
Nicole Leigh Morrison **
Patrick Ritchie * Eau Claire, WI Cassandra Debra Sommerfeld-Smook Deforest, WI
Malcolm Baldrige Award UW-Stout is the first recipient of the Malcolm Baldrige Award for quality in higher education. Since that time, UW-Stout has worked with educational institutions in 39 states and 25 countries to share information and assist schools that are interested in quality improvement through the application of the Baldrige criteria. The Baldrige Award is presented by the President of the United States to businesses – manufacturing and service, education and health care – that apply and are judged to be outstanding in seven areas: leadership, strategic planning, customer and market focus, information and analysis, human resource focus, process management and business results.
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