UW-Stout Commencement 2020 Program
Animated publication
C ommencemen T U niversity of W isconsin -S tout
M ay N inth T wo T housand and T wenty
U niversity of W isconsin -S tout VIRTUAL COMMENCEMENT
S aturday , M ay 9 th , 2020 • 10:00 a . m . C eremony C ollege of S cience , T echnology , E ngineering , M athematics and M anagement
P age 4
C ollege of E ducation , H ospitality , H ealth and H uman S ciences
P age 11
C ollege of A rts , C ommunication , H umanities and S ocial S ciences
P age 18
T he G raduate S chool
P age 22
Reader Mr. Steve Shaw
For commencement news, photos and video, watch for a special e-newsletter, go to www.uwstout.edu or find UW-Stout on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
University of Wisconsin-Stout is the first Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award recipient in higher education.
COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM S aturday , M ay 9 th , 2020 • V irtual C eremony
W elcome
Miss Britta Miller Commencement Coordinator
Dr. Aaron M. Durst, Director
*P rocessional
Pomp and Circumstance by Edward Elgar Pomp and Circumstance by Edward Elgar
A ddress to G raduates
Dr. Katherine P. Frank Chancellor
Student Speaker 1
Rana Pluemer
Student Speaker 2
Madalaine McConville
C onferring of D egrees
Dr. Katherine P. Frank Chancellor
† P resentation of D iplomas
Dr. Gindy Neidermyer, Interim Dean, College of Science Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Management Time 0:21:03 Dr. Robert Salt, Dean, College of Education, Hospitality, Health and Human Sciences Time 1:05:57 Dr. Maria Alm, Dean, College of Arts, Communication, Humanities and Social Sciences Time 1:36:59
Dr. Amy Gullixson, Interim Director, The Graduate School Time 2:00:44
C losing R emarks
Dr. Katherine P. Frank Chancellor
Vocal led by, Dr. Chiwei Jerry Hui, Director
*P laying of A lma M ater
UW-Stout Chamber Choir and Symphonic Singers
S aturday , M ay 9 th • V irtual C eremony
BACCALAUREATE DEGREES: Summa Cum Laude graduates are identified by blue and white cordons, Magna Cum Laude by white cordons, and Cum Laude by blue cordons.
Honor students are recognized in the program as follows:
*Cum Laude (GPA of at least 3.5) **Magna Cum Laude (GPA of at least 3.7) ***Summa Cum Laude (GPA of at least 3.9)
SAMUEL E WOOD MEDALLION: The Samuel E. Wood Medallion Award, a bronze medallion three inches in diameter and bearing a relief of the Bowman Hall tower, the name of Stout, and the motto “Learning, Skill, Industry, and Honor”, is presented annually to seniors who have contributed in student activities, leadership, and scholastic ability. A committee composed of faculty, administrators and students make the selection. Only 1 percent of the student body is eligible to receive this award. The Samuel E. Wood Medallion Award is presented to seniors only and on a local basis. To those seniors who receive it, it brings prestige and honor, as it is the highest award any student at UW-Stout can achieve. UW-STOUT SCHOLAR ATHLETE: The UW-Stout Scholar Athlete Award is given to student-athletes with a cumulative 3.50 grade point average in the semester preceding their final season of eligibility. The medallion presented to each of the senior Scholar-Athletes was designed in 2012 by former Blue Devil student-athletes Kate Mikutowski and Zak Snell. In addition, a large action poster of each senior Scholar-Athlete will be displayed in the Sports and Fitness Center during the upcoming year.
Honors are subject to final report.
3 U niversity of W isconsin -S tout
COLLEGE of SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICS and MANAGEMENT Candidates Presented by Gindy Neidermyer, Ph.D., Interim Dean B achelor of S cience
A pparel D esign and D evelopment Jongeun Rhee, Ph.D., Interim Program Director
A pplied M athematics and C omputer S cience Seth Dutter, Ph.D., Program Director Reid Michael Akerman Rock Falls, IL David Amirahmadi * Minneapolis, MN Hannah Alexis Baker ** Two Harbors, MN Matthew Thomas Block *** Wausau, WI Connor Reid Davis * Rochester, MN James Robert Evans Dallas, WI Dalton Michael Faber Menomonie, WI Luke Thomas Hartzell Lake City, MN Bradley Thomas Haze Pine Island, MN Nathan Henrichs Fall Creek, WI Jordan Dell Jensen *** Spring Valley, WI Taylor Arlyn Kirsch ** Edgar, WI Nicholas Creighton Kiszer Menomonie, WI David Ernest Kretzmann ** Appleton, WI Colton Nathanial Lunemann *** New Auburn, WI Mariah Leigh Madsen ** Cottage Grove, MN Shawn Robert Marion Cadott, WI Joseph Edward Matzelle ** Lake Mills, WI Carolyn Jean Mennecke Rochester, MN Andrew Garrett Mitchell ** Lake Mills, WI Dakota Mae Moore * Pickett, WI Edward Steven Perez Saint Paul, MN Joseph Stephen Peroutky Farmington, MN Noah Kollman Scherwinski * Camas, WA Jared Arthur Schwerzel Tomahawk, WI Robert Joseph Sobania * Sauk Rapids, MN Brock Micheal Stephani Black Creek, WI Cortland Glen Tatro Antigo, WI Kurt Aaron Tolson Saint Paul, MN Elizabeth Joy Wahlquist Baldwin, WI Nathan Douglas Westlund * Saint Paul Park, MN Jacob Lee Zellner Green Bay, WI
Cassidy Rose Gerriets Kennedy Ann Gorres ** Brooklyn Rose Haas
Mauston, WI
Maple Lake, MN
Thorp, WI
Nkao Hle Hang Kalli Kohlmeyer **
Sheboygan, WI Chatfield, MN
Hannah Madison Lindsoe
Savage, MN
AnneMarie Lovrine
Burlington, WI Saint Paul, MN Livingston, WI Cedarburg, WI West Bend, WI De Pere, WI Hillsboro, WI La Crosse, WI Saint Paul, MN Andover, MN
Stephanie Nicole Mathison Kelly Kay Reynolds Brandon James Schmidt Courtney Nicole Schmitt * Cambria Rose Sinclair ***
Kaitlyn Rose Skala ** Emma Clare Smerud
Sofia Christine Van Tassel *
Pakou Vang
Melissa Sue Wielenberg ***
Osakis, MN
Angel Yang
Minneapolis, MN
A pplied B iochemistry and M olecular B iology James Burritt, Ph.D., Program Director Tyler David Ball Rice Lake, WI Liam Jarod Brandt Glenwood City, WI Yingtong Dou * Yanji, China Lauren Jean Kelly * Rosemount, MN
4 U niversity of W isconsin -S tout
COLLEGE of SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICS and MANAGEMENT Candidates Presented by Gindy Neidermyer, Ph.D., Interim Dean B achelor of S cience
A pplied S cience Dmitry V. Kadnikov, Ph.D., Program Director
B usiness A dministration continued Mark Fenton, Ph.D., Program Director
Heather Marie Beecher *** Samuel James Blees * Sierra Cherie Coonts ** Nicholas Joseph Dacon *
Gladwin, MI
Saint Paul, MN Windsor, CO Minneapolis, MN Elk River, MN Saint Paul, MN Oshkosh, WI Saint Paul, MN Manitowoc, WI Middleton, ID Saint Paul, MN Harker Heights, TX Sparta, WI
Matthew Scott Gunderson * Natalie Edith Marie Hackel Kevin Richard Hahn Nicholas James Halbach Joseph Herbert Halling Kalley Jean Hartmann William C Hattamer ** Frances Michaela Hillstrom Heaven Timothy Hunt Caylee Gauthier Jensen Megan Marie Jensen * Samuel Michael Johnson Dillon Charles Keller **
Hudson, WI
Greenwood, WI Janesville, WI New Holstein, WI
Mallary Jo Dick
Aaron Thomas Doering
River Falls, WI
Emily Jacques *
North Branch, MN
Heidi Batya Johnson
Holcombe, WI
Devyn Elizabeth Kenworthy Andrew Brian Klavekoske ***
Sheboygan Falls, WI New Richmond, WI
Kate Elise Koster * Benjamin Lee Lind
Wausau, WI Andover, MN Eau Claire, WI Cazenovia, WI
Tymesia Nichole McFadden
Marques Vilho Mutka Rylie Nicole Stevens
Eagle River, WI
Mason, WI
Trevor Keys
Cottage Grove, MN
Christopher James Trevarthen
Lake Mills, WI Lake Elmo, MN
Sieun Kim
Pyeongtaek-si, South Korea
Wendy Vang
Weston John Knutson Jack Jerome Kolar Kory Lee Konwinski Samuel William Kuepper
Deforest, WI Elk River, MN Eau Claire, WI Menasha, WI Plymouth, WI Medford, WI
Kadi Marie Wright
Dike, IA
Nichey Yang
Hugo, MN
B usiness A dministration Mark Fenton, Ph.D., Program Director
Myles E Lade
Kendal Sadie Laher ** Shelby Kaye Larson ***
Abbigail Ann Bauer *
Ellsworth, WI Albertville, MN Elk River, MN Birchwood, WI Spring Valley, WI Saint Paul, MN
Neenah, WI
Jake Bloomstrand
MaNee Lee
Menomonie, WI
Kayla Elizabeth Bolster Joshua Wayne Brantner Christa Mae Brorson
Abrina Lynn Leonhard
Gleason, WI
Tyler James Robert Lindquist *
Maple Grove, MN
Anthony William Lopez Lorrie Ann Luepke * Jennifer Lynn Malchow Jacob Paul Martin Casey Lynn Mikl *** Austin Miles Miller Ryanne Rose Millis *** Austin Jay Morreau
Saint Paul, MN Marshfield, WI
Alexandra Frances Burdette * Samuel Ernest Clay Burrows
Inver Grove Heights, MN
Black River Falls, WI Zimmerman, MN
Matthew Ray Campbell
Eau Claire, WI Saint Paul, MN
Sarabi Lee Carter
Dresser, WI
Connor Jay Chambers Craig Feran Collingwood
Pequot Lakes, MN Pewaukee, WI Neenah, WI Saint Paul, MN Hopkins, MN Lake Elmo, MN La Crosse, WI Forest Lake, MN Cameron, WI Suamico, WI Mondovi, WI Kewaskum, WI Menomonee Falls, WI
Saint Paul, MN Shakopee, MN Newton, WI Fitchburg, WI River Falls, WI
Gabrielle Kathryn DeShambo *
Keegan Ryan Dickson Emma Elizabeth Dillon Matthew L Emmer Jack Fitzgerald Fahey Nickolas Henry Falken Anna Wynne Felland ** Abby Renee Fjelstad
Seviliy M. L Moua
Luke Matthew Murphy Kaitlin Alexis Murray Samuel Christopher Nemec Megan Rose Nimsgern * Garrett Anders-Mathew Nordin
Chicago, IL Ashland, WI
Menomonie, WI
Shafer, MN Sullivan, WI
Gwen Marie Northey
Kaitlin Rose Gay * Derric Jesse Gray
Nenagh Anastasia O’Leary Trenton James Olson Jacob Hunter O’Meara
Saint Paul, MN Superior, WI
Austin Gary Grichtmeier
Glenwood City, WI
S pring C ommencement 2020 5
COLLEGE of SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICS and MANAGEMENT Candidates Presented by Gindy Neidermyer, Ph.D., Interim Dean B achelor of S cience
B usiness A dministration continued Mark Fenton, Ph.D., Program Director
C omputer E ngineering Wei Shi, Ph.D., Program Director
Jared Wayne Wilquet *** John Michael Campbell
Green Bay, WI Saint Paul, MN Lakeville, MN Dayton, OH Hammond, WI
Dylan Charles Pass *** Julia Katherine Peterson Noah Karl Populorum Connor Patrick Roering Philip Robert Schmit Eric Thomas Schreier Nicholas Allen Schultz Jordan Michael Rasmussen **
Shakopee, MN Reedsburg, WI Saint Paul, MN
Kyle David Domack
Christina Marie Hegner ** James Wayne Knops Zackary Dakota Krause
Wausau, WI
Cottage Grove, MN
Shiocton, WI Maximilien McCullen McDermott ** Eau Claire, WI Jose Antonio Palacios Waukesha, WI Sneh Gaurangkumar Pandya Ahmedbad, India Thomas John Wanless Sarasota, FL C omputer S cience Diane Christie, Ph.D., Program Director Dylan Scott Ascencio Sun Prairie, WI Hannah Alexis Baker ** Two Harbors, MN Justin Alexander Bryant Oneida, WI Joseph William Burss Milwaukee, WI Benjamin Edward Collins Oshkosh, WI Connor Reid Davis * Rochester, MN Collin James Diekvoss De Pere, WI Cosette Elizabeth Dumas Chippewa Falls, WI Christopher Vincent Flowers * Random Lake, WI Robert William Foxgrover-Foley ** Brookfield, WI Ian Patrick Gorman Eau Claire, WI Bradley Thomas Haze Pine Island, MN Karie Ann Holmstadt Chaska, MN Grantlund Thomas Hornby Woodbury, MN Jordan Dell Jensen *** Spring Valley, WI Cailey Merie Kocian * Menomonie, WI Michael J Lange Fond du Lac, WI Michael Lee Lakeville, MN Mariah Leigh Madsen ** Cottage Grove, MN Joseph Edward Matzelle ** Lake Mills, WI Christina Ann Miller * Green Bay, WI Alexander Drace Myers * Pleasant Prairie, WI Troy Lyndon Nagel New Richmond, WI Joseph Stephen Peroutky Farmington, MN Cameron Lee Pyfferoen Lakeville, MN Terence Regan Freedom, WI Jonah Michael Schmisek * Baudette, MN Jacob Schwitzer Shawano, WI Austin James Scott * Menomonie, WI Hayden Dominic Skroch Maple Grove, MN Bryce Edward Smrecek Tomahawk, WI
Chaska, MN Westby, WI Rockford, MN Hudson, WI
Madeline Jean Sime
Synala Smith
Oneida, WI Merrill, WI
Keenan Michael Stellingworth Hannah Mackenzie Swain
Minneapolis, MN Eden Prairie, MN Hudson, WI Duluth, MN Ashland, WI Elk River, MN Saint Paul, MN Forest Lake, MN Saint Paul, MN De Pere, WI Lake Mills, WI Menomonie, WI
John Allen Thies
Mitch W Thompson Alex Thomas Toscano Shane David Tutor
Marissa Rose Van Tassel **
Kagai Vang
Alexander Varani
Jacob William Vondrachek
Jacob Robert Vopal
Maria Christine Waters Madeline Rae Weber Simon Joseph Welz * Jordan Randall Wienke Parker Thomas Wittmann
New Richmond, WI
Menasha, WI
Jaelynn Lee Young *
Loyal, WI
Stephanie Marie Zengler
Mount Pleasant, WI
Paige Zeoli
Kenosha, WI
C omputer and E lectrical E ngineering Wei Shi, Ph.D., Program Director Dylan Jacob Christopherson *** Eau Claire, WI Jerin Truman Frey Menomonee Falls, WI Jack R Hildebrandt Menomonie, WI Jacob A. Hillebrand *** Cornell, WI Benjamin Alan Mattson * Minneapolis, MN Stirling Lily Perschke Lake Mills, WI Alec William Robole ** Hudson, WI Alex Ranulfo Rodriguez Kenosha, WI Chuck Tuxeng Vang Elk Mound, WI Nicholas Stephen Weisenberger * Andover, MN Tyler Kenneth Weltzin Altoona, WI
6 U niversity of W isconsin -S tout
COLLEGE of SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICS and MANAGEMENT Candidates Presented by Gindy Neidermyer, Ph.D., Interim Dean B achelor of S cience
C omputer S cience continued Diane Christie, Ph.D., Program Director
C onstruction continued Kevin Wilkinson, Ed.D., M.B.A, Program Director
Douglas Jon Svoboda
Farmington, MN
Luke Edward Rechtzigel Isaac James Rogers Dylan Jacob Schmidt Kody Aaron Sloane Michael George Sonsalla * Grant Michael Sullivan
Kenyon, MN Saint Paul, MN
Kue Thao
Wisconsin Rapids, WI Maple Grove, MN
Alexander John Trask *
Racine, WI Viroqua, WI Arcadia, WI
Eliot Carl Waters
Waseca, MN Dickinson, ND
Paige M Yon *
Twin Lakes, WI
G ame D esign and D evelopment Diane Christie, Ph.D., Program Director
E ngineering T echnology Monika Herrmann, M.Arch, Program Director
Aaron Thomas Gary
Hammond, WI
Zachary William Adams ** Hassan Wahab Alabdrubalnabi
Watertown, WI
Saihat, Saudi Arabia
C onstruction Kevin Wilkinson, Ed.D., M.B.A, Program Director
Abdulrahman Alaklabi
Al Jubail City, Saudi Arabia Saihat Alsharqiya, Saudi Arabia
Mohammad Baqer Alalawi * Abdulrahman Obiad Albishi Yazeed Abdulrahman Alharbi Ahmed Abdullah Alkhras
Brant Wayne Attleson Samuel Merlin Beedle Jared Daniel Clawiter Tyler Marcus Colla Gabrielle May Corning Alex Monte Daniels Bailey John Dingeldein ** Tyler Kevin Dvorak Benjamin James Dvorak Michael John Fifield Colin Michael Fitzpatrick
Holmen, WI
Dammam, Saudi Arabia Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Sayhat, Saudi Arabia Buraydah, Saudi Arabia
Saint Paul, MN Wanamingo, MN Clintonville, WI Fall River, WI Burlington, WI Bonduel, WI Champlin, MN Oconomowoc, WI Oconto Falls, WI Fitchburg, WI Prescott, WI Milwaukee, WI Wyoming, MN Deforest, WI Franklin, WI Hanover, MN Eagle River, WI Pelican Lake, WI Little Chute, WI Osceola, WI Plymouth, WI Oregon, WI Baraboo, WI Milltown, WI
Bandar Almuhanna Tyler Lee Antonsen Jeremy Paul Berres *** Austin J Borchardt ** Jordan Robert Ewings Chase Michael Fanelle Colin Xavier Feuster Skyler Richard Fisher Christopher George * Ali Yousef Hawsawi Connelly Robert Helms Kurtis Owen Johnson Lance Benjamin Kapla
Hudson, WI
Marshfield, WI Marathon, WI Jim Falls, WI
Abdulrahman Abulaziz Fallatah
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Kenosha, WI Elk Mound, WI
Conrad Jacob Fox
Ontario, WI
Elijah Shaquille Gallien Kylie Sue Hawthorne
Clintonville, WI
makkah, Luck, WI
David J Hertel *
Jacob Christian Janetski Lucas Joseph Klein Adam Connor Kresl * Joshua Shane Lindquist Matthew Daniel Mahlik
Saint Paul, MN
Pulaski, WI
Carl Benjamin Krumenauer **
Chippewa Falls, WI
Kogcheng Lor
Wausau, WI Rubicon, WI Portage, WI Bonduel, WI Appleton, WI
Bradley James Lorrigan **
Tyler Jon Maxon
Tyler Victor Miller Steven James Olson
Ian Michael McConnaha
Samuel Mueller
Nicolas Pierce
Peter Scott Mueller Erik Scott Nelson Seth Anton Plenge
Adam Marcus Rahn ** Abigale Mae Schmidt Hunter Dean Schulte Gage Ryan Schwemmer Nicholas Reed Steffens Tyler Austin Storandt Derrike Frank Suckow
New Prague, MN Park Falls, WI Pardeeville, WI Dodge Center, MN Shakopee, MN Menomonie, WI Woodville, WI
Bangor, WI
Charles Austin Radmann
Saint Paul, MN
S pring C ommencement 2020 7
COLLEGE of SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICS and MANAGEMENT Candidates Presented by Gindy Neidermyer, Ph.D., Interim Dean B achelor of S cience
M anagement continued Renee Surdick, Ed.D., Program Director
E ngineering T echnology continued Monika Herrmann, M.Arch, Program Director
Randy James Fairbank * Michael Allen Fields Ryan William Gibson
Eldorado, WI
Karl Frederick Trost ***
Goodhue, MN Marshfield, WI Woodbury, MN Sturgeon Bay, WI
North Freedom, WI
Mason Reed Tysver
Menomonie, WI White Lake, WI Eau Claire, WI Menomonie, WI
Evan Alexandre Vasquez Austin John Wheaton * Cole Jacob Yohnk **
Karac T Gray
Brittney Ruth Hakes **
Cadott, WI
Hnou Hang
Mollie Kathryn Hanson * Jessica Anne Hedinger * Joshua Hellenbrand ** Amy Lachelle Horchem Sarah Loraine King ** Todd Michael Koch ** Jacob Michael Koskie
Luck, WI
E nvironmental S cience Amanda Little, Ph.D., Program Director
Spooner, WI Idlewylde, MD
Sophia Elizabeth Aguilar
Dresser, WI Neenah, WI
Colfax, WI
Matthew J Arndt
Stevens Point, WI Milwaukee, WI River Falls, WI Greenville, WI Eau Claire, WI Menomonie, WI Mount Pleasant, WI
Annalena Maria Apel-Christianson
Saint Paul, MN Houston, MN Menomonie, WI Minneapolis, MN Oronoco, MN Menomonie, WI Saint Paul, MN Saint Croix Falls, WI
Justin Paul Cripps ** Jessica Erin Czysz
Katelan Sayaka Yonamine LeClaire
Elizabeth Anne Duncanson
Grant Reppert Lokken Corbin Jonas McCumber
Kristin DeAnn Evers
Kelsea Goettl
Raul M Mejia
Megan Kathleen Grindeland
Courtney Elizabeth Melby
Platteville, WI
Megan Jo Kerkow *
Catherine L Mianecki
Glenwood City, WI
Jacob Nadeau *
Shakopee, MN Naperville, IL Eau Claire, WI Eau Claire, WI
Kylie Jo Morgan
Elmwood, WI
Daniel Joseph Simmons Brock Joseph Varty * Alyssa Orma Weber *
Brandon Todd Mortenson **
Germantown, WI New Holstein, WI Schofield, WI Oshkosh, WI Eau Claire, WI Elk Mound, WI
Amanda L Muehlbauer
Gretchen Elizabeth Murphy
Matt Notzke
M anagement Renee Surdick, Ed.D., Program Director
Diane R Okerglicki Tonya Lynn Pagenkopf
Rachel Jean Aldrich Steve Leroy Arens Bethany Hennen ** Teresa Ann Bauer Rakesh Bharavad Brandon Lee Blum
Appleton, WI
Sunit Pandey Tamara Paul *
Atlanta, GA Milton, WI La Crosse, WI Saint Paul, MN Schofield, WI
Sheboygan Falls, WI
Saint Paul, MN Marshfield, WI
Evelyn Ann Pearson
Aimee Aileen Powers Viebrock
Owings Mills, MD
April Lynn Rahlf ***
Beloit, WI
Melanie Rine
Bryant, WI
Alyssa Paige Boardman ***
Onalaska, WI Sheboygan, WI Oshkosh, WI Minneapolis, MN New London, WI
Venessa L Roller * Mark Sagstetter **
San Antonio, TX Shakopee, MN
Patrick Royal Bolden Hannah Jo Buyeske
Lindsey Rae Schlesser **
Arcadia, WI
Lauren Carlson
Wayne Irwin Sieg **
Spring Valley, WI
Maxwell Alan Chapman
Matthew Donald Stachura * Madelaine Schmidt Lisa Marie Veenendall * Ashley Marie Wittig **
Hartford, WI Fairchild, WI Baldwin, WI Eau Claire, WI
Gregory Dahlke
Schofield, WI Durand, WI
Tina Marie Danzinger Brian Robert Daugherty * Emily Anne DenDekker Christina Marie Drews *
Pleasant Prairie, WI New Holstein, WI
Sheboygan, WI
8 U niversity of W isconsin -S tout
COLLEGE of SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICS and MANAGEMENT Candidates Presented by Gindy Neidermyer, Ph.D., Interim Dean B achelor of S cience
M echanical E ngineering continued Abhimanyu Ghosh, Ph.D., Interim Program Director
M anufacturing E ngineering Xuedong (David) Ding, Ph.D., Program Director
Robert Anderson
Menomonie, WI Menomonie, WI Menomonie, WI
Jacob Joel Saxinger
Mikana, WI Hudson, WI
Hunter Thomas Chrouser Jonathan Anton Erickson
Mitchell Joseph Simonet ** Tyler Mark Tischman ** Benjamin Theodore Wichmann Benjamin Thomas Wislinsky
Menomonie, WI
Cole Michael Garvey
Centuria, WI
Port Washington, WI
Thomas Cameron Hutson Hunter Joseph Kloes Justin Michael Lammers Marcus Robert Meyer * Jeffrey Thomas Richmond Sam William Wouters * Zachary Meyer
Chippewa Falls, WI
Altoona, WI
Hortonville, WI
Aaron Tyler Wojtowicz Elliot Preston Wong
Lindstrom, MN Minneapolis, MN
Lomira, WI Colfax, WI
Wabasha, MN Granton, WI Green Bay, WI
P ackaging Robert Meisner, M.S., Program Director
Jacob James Averkamp **
Lakewood, WA Ladysmith, WI Saint Paul, MN River Falls, WI
Tristen Daniel Busse Grant James Cloud
M echanical E ngineering Abhimanyu Ghosh, Ph.D., Interim Program Director
Benjamin Patrick Crooks * Miranda Nicole Dehmer * Drake Anthony Gadbois * Hunter Stephen Gallagher ** Joshua Lee Geigle ** Brenna Elise Gilman Andrew John Gorz *** Ty Thomas Grovogel * Alec James Janovec Jennifer Addie Johnson ** Joseph Patrick Krenik
Hunter James Adler
Durand, WI
Saint Michael, MN
Tyler Andres
Auburndale, WI Saint Paul, MN Elk River, MN Cannon Falls, MN Bessemer, MI Rogers, MN Eau Claire, WI Mauston, WI Menomonie, WI Hastings, MN Star Prairie, WI Appleton, WI Ellsworth, WI Eau Claire, WI Bolingbrook, IL Mankato, MN Redgranite, WI Menomonie, WI Saint Paul, MN Eau Claire, WI Prairie Farm, WI Menomonie, WI Racine, WI Hudson, WI
Lindstrom, MN Rochester, MN
Alexandra Lee Bauer
Tanner Jerome Beckerleg Mason Robert Beissel * Lance William Berwald Jacob Charles Boyd * Craig Robert Dallman *** Travis Joseph Gabriel Austin Jon Getting Mark James Hoffman Kyle Ryan Immel * Jacob LeVaun Johnson Anthony Gregory Knaak * Ty Alexander Kolb ** Jordan Robert Konrath Alexander Cole Krupp Katherine Madeline Lange Quintin John Livdahl Maverick David Meister Spencer Michael Nohelty Konnor Todd Pederstuen Kristin Ashley Pockrandt Benjamin Max Putney Ryan Clark Paul Thomas Juran
Amery, WI
Chisago City, MN
Algoma, WI Algoma, WI
River Falls, WI Madison, WI Saint Paul, MN Neenah, WI Pulaski, WI Oronoco, MN
Micah Ethan Lewien Sydney Elizabeth Olson
Tyler James Pearson
Kate Margaret Quade **
Milton, WI
Jack Roger Skifstad
Eau Claire, WI Farmington, MN
Matthew Robert Thompson
Shannan A. Watkins *
Hoover, AL
P lastics E ngineering Wei Zheng, Ph.D., Program Director
Chace Logan Coles
Wyoming, MN Saint Paul, MN Minneapolis, MN
Robert Kenshin Lindemann Elizabeth Marianne Saly ***
Cornell, WI Mound, MN Oregon, WI Osseo, WI
Bricen Taylor Rasmussen-Mcginnis
Laura Abbott Reimer Parker Jay Rongstad *
S pring C ommencement 2020 9
COLLEGE of SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, MATHEMATICS and MANAGEMENT Candidates Presented by Gindy Neidermyer, Ph.D., Interim Dean B achelor of S cience
S upply C hain M anagement Gene Gutman, M.S., Program Director
R etail M erchandising and M anagement Jongeun Rhee, Ph.D., Interim Program Director Aeschilde Ann Anderson Saint Michael, MN Ryan James Bjornstal River Falls, WI Samantha Jade Burg ** La Crescent, MN Audrey Mae Craft Stillwater, MN Emma Katherine Curran * Spooner, WI Lauren Christine Duvall * Sussex, WI Nicole Taylor Fitzgerald Franklin, WI Kaylyn Ann Kubishak Osseo, WI TaNia Rai Lyons-Sherwood Lakeville, MN Isabella Jean Pedlar * Rogers, MN Hannah Grace Peterman Minneapolis, MN Alexi Lynn Rafferty De Pere, WI Charlene Elizabeth Retzlaff * Milwaukee, WI Hannah Victoria Romain Minnetonka, MN Julia Karen Schade Saint Michael, MN Kellyn Clare Schubbe ** Appleton, WI Rachel Marlene Shew River Falls, WI Christina Rose Sunderman Farmington, MN
Abner Anderson August D Beck
Savage, MN Hartford, WI
Nathaniel Va Brockman
Kronenwetter, WI
Aiden William Doughman **
Cedarburg, WI
Drew Tyler Fleming
Hudson, WI
Anthony William Lopez
Saint Paul, MN Zimmerman, MN Eden Prairie, MN
Jacob Paul Martin John Allen Thies
S ustainable M anagement Dennis Weibel, M.S, Program Director
Devin Michael Beair
Van Wert, OH Iron Ridge, WI Conover, WI
Cody Krohn *
Nicole Leigh Morrison **
Patrick Ritchie * Eau Claire, WI Cassandra Debra Sommerfeld-Smook Deforest, WI
Malcolm Baldrige Award UW-Stout is the first recipient of the Malcolm Baldrige Award for quality in higher education. Since that time, UW-Stout has worked with educational institutions in 39 states and 25 countries to share information and assist schools that are interested in quality improvement through the application of the Baldrige criteria. The Baldrige Award is presented by the President of the United States to businesses – manufacturing and service, education and health care – that apply and are judged to be outstanding in seven areas: leadership, strategic planning, customer and market focus, information and analysis, human resource focus, process management and business results.
10 U niversity of W isconsin -S tout
COLLEGE of EDUCATION, HOSPITALITY, HEALTH and HUMAN SCIENCES Candidates presented by Robert Salt, Ph.D., Dean B achelor of S cience
A rt E ducation Ann Oberding, M.A., Program Director
C riminal J ustice and R ehabilitation Colleen Etzbach, Rh.D., Program Director
Kelsey Grace Cariveau **
Rice Lake, WI Eau Claire, WI Trimont, MN Waupaca, WI Saint Paul, MN Madison, WI Belle Plaine, MN
Elena Jeanne Basill *
Minneapolis, MN Elk Mound, WI Kenosha, WI Saint Paul, MN Stillwater, MN Owatonna, MN Marshfield, WI Hammond, WI Bessemer, MI Reedsburg, WI Elk River, MN Franklin, WI River Falls, WI Rockton, IL
Carla Lyn Haley
Brandon Thomas Bohl **
Sarah Ellen Jacobson * Ashley Louise Jeske *
Bryce C Boldus
Emily Marie Corazzo Nathan Daniel deLeon Kyle Thomas Hamilton Preston Joseph Hanson Tyler John Hiller * Ashley Marie Jahns * Stephanie Renee Johnson * Morgan Elizabeth Sanders
Mara Lynn Jones
Lacey K. B Kowieski Olivia Amy Lemke
Madison Christine Leslie Elizabeth Jo Rosendahl **
Andover, MN
La Crescent, MN Chippewa Falls, WI
Makaya Ann Ruhe *
Nicole Elizabeth Seidler *
Merrill, WI
Kara Simonson ** Taylor Ann Werlinger
C areer , T echnical E ducation and T raining Matthew Simoneau, Ed.D., Program Director Ken Allen Duesing *** Merrill, WI James August Eckardt *** Tigerton, WI Kevin Casey Emmerich Hartland, WI Darrin Michael Falk Menomonie, WI Nicholas J. Goldberg Vesper, WI Amy Jo Kainulainen ** Brainerd, MN Erich Charles Krowas *** Appleton, WI Steven Gerald Pilsner Kronenwetter, WI Jill A Spilde Deerfield, WI Beth Rae Tornow Wausau, WI Angela Kristen Voight *** Pittsville, WI Mark Wildenberg ** Little Chute, WI
Alexis Rae Young
D ietetics Karen Ostenso, Ph.D., R.D., C.D., Program Director
Norah Ahmed Alnowsir
Unayzah, Saudi Arabia
Jacklyn Marie Cain
Amery, WI
Katherine Elizabeth Erickson Robert Winston Guenther
Ironwood, MI La Crosse, WI
Hannah R Hoff Michaelle R James
Westby, WI
Eau Claire, WI
Callie Ann Loeschke *** Lauren Taylor Mickley ** Curtis Edward Neu Thomas Robert Paine Emily Rae Preston *** Heidi Schiedermayer ** Sarah Marie Schrom ** Nicolle Marie Sloneker * Alexis Kay Stewart Rochelle Lee Triebs Maria Christine Waters Paige Elizabeth Weiner *
Cannon Falls, MN Westerville, OH West Bend, WI Eau Claire, WI Menomonie, WI San Antonio, TX Elk River, MN Minneapolis, MN Appleton, WI
Bloomer, WI Lake Mills, WI
Sparta, WI
Choua Saipao Xiong
Milwaukee, WI
HyunJi Yoo *
Seoul, South Korea
Matthew Lester Vergin
Eau Claire, WI
S pring C ommencement 2020 11
COLLEGE of EDUCATION, HOSPITALITY, HEALTH and HUMAN SCIENCES Candidates presented by Robert Salt, Ph.D., Dean B achelor of S cience
E arly C hildhood E ducation Lindsay Barnhart, Ed.S., Program Director
F ood S cience and T echnology Taejo Kim, Ph.D., Program Director
Marissa Ann Anton Anna Marie Bashans ** Joslyn Marie Bower-Nelson
Hugo, MN
Samantha Mary Bibbs Mallory Jean Brask * Krystal Anne DeGree Michael Robert Friedman
Mankato, MN
Hutchinson, MN
Mount Prospect, IL
Roberts, WI
Andover, MN
Abigail Rose Ceaglske
Saint Paul, MN Sun Prairie, WI Superior, WI Spring Valley, WI Plum City, WI Mondovi, WI Saint Paul, MN Marshfield, WI
Oconto Falls, WI
Leah Corso *
Jozie McClelland * Emma Ann Sisk ***
Viroqua, WI
Hannah Marie Denninger Rebecca Lynn Fesenmaier *** Andrew Jack Gilles Katy Halverson ** Kayla Marie Hewitt * Taylor Nicole Knoeck **
Minneapolis, MN
G olf E nterprise M anagement John Sobota, M.S., Program Director
Clay Michael Anderson Andrew Robert Biddick Evan James Bisek Joshua Keene Dunn Alexa Rae Filipiak ** Jordyn Marie Fitzgerald Tate Shawn Fohrenkamm Sawyer Donald Hrycay Trystin Reann Kluess * Craig Alan Loftis ** Timothy Andrew Pieper Rana Mary Pluemer *** Evan Francis Schlachter * Mason Thomas Taylor ** Ross Everette Wicker Benjamin Mark Wisniewski Jiwen Hu **
Lake Park, MN Saint Paul, MN Jordan, MN Jennings, LA Elk River, MN Marshfield, WI
Starr Ellen Krenzke Liliana Mae Kulvich
Merrill, WI
Inver Grove Heights, MN
Marki Lynn Lagerstrom *
Boyceville, WI Excelsior, MN Grand View, WI
Brianna Mora
Ashley Marie Mossuto Rachel Neumann Markell Ann Ramich
Siren, WI
Bayport, MN
Janesville, WI
Luck, WI
Chang Sha Hunan,
Natasha Elizabeth Rassbach Kaydence Elizabeth Ruff ** Emily Katherine Schoen Ana Jane Schuerstedt **
Downing, WI
Greenleaf, WI
Alma, WI
Navarre, FL
Saint Paul, MN
Prairie du Sac, WI
Bristol, WI
Platteville, WI
Vanessa Talford
Mondovi, WI Winona, MN
Burke, VA
Aaron David Wisecup
Saint Paul, MN
Raleigh, NC
Maple Grove, MN
F amily and C onsumer S ciences Diane Klemme, Ph.D., Program Director
Afton Dawn Fischer Amanda Kay Kalscheur
Menomonie, WI Middleton, WI
12 U niversity of W isconsin -S tout
COLLEGE of EDUCATION, HOSPITALITY, HEALTH and HUMAN SCIENCES Candidates presented by Robert Salt, Ph.D., Dean B achelor of S cience
H ealth , W ellness , and F itness Mary La Rue, Ph.D., Program Director
H otel , R estaurant and T ourism M anagement continued Jay Jones, M.S., Program Director Matthew Giguere, M.A., Program Director (online program) Kareese Eleana Jiskra Holcombe, WI Taylor Ann Juran * Waterford, WI Rachel LaVerne Kerlin Sheboygan, WI Alyssa J Klocke * Hayfield, MN Aimee Yeev Lor Eau Claire, WI Justice Reed Lorbiecki * Verona, WI McKenzie Kaye Miller *** Green Bay, WI Anna Marie Noble-Macherey Milwaukee, WI Madeline Lucille Nordstrom ** New Berlin, WI Julie Oman Minneapolis, MN Akstin Janna Paskert Greenwood, WI Rana Mary Pluemer *** Platteville, WI Randi Theresa Schmitz Waukesha, WI Hailie Michelle Schultz * New Richmond, WI Hayley Marie Schwen * Maple Grove, MN Callie Ann Spelhaug * Chatfield, MN Ethan James Strebel Green Bay, WI Laura Elizabeth Super Saint Paul, MN Alistair Mingsheng Tang ** Saint Paul, MN Samantha Emily Tjugum *** Rhinelander, WI Danielle Sue Wagner ** Menomonie, WI Abbigail Margaret Winski Milwaukee, WI
Halimah Zamil Alossaimi
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Kevin James Boser Jason David Graves
Elk River, MN Mankato, MN
Garret Lee Hildebrandt Joseph H Jirikowic Adam J Kohnhorst Morgan Jean Larson * Nicole Lee Nelson ** Nicole Lee Pagenkopf Julia Florence Pettee Megan Frances Thomas
New Richmond, WI
Presque Isle, WI
Merrill, WI
Sherburn, MN Frederic, WI Neillsville, WI Hudson, WI New Lisbon, WI Lime Ridge, WI Necedah, WI Eau Claire, WI
Jonathan Douglas Thompson
Lacey Lynn Winters
Singsai Xiong
H otel , R estaurant and T ourism M anagement Jay Jones, M.S., Program Director Matthew Giguere, M.A., Program Director (online program) Dylan Michael Adair Hayward, WI Clay Michael Anderson Lake Park, MN Zakkary T Augustine Wausau, WI Alexis Layne Ballensky Anoka, MN Jennifer Rose Beadling Victoria, MN Emma Kay Benusa River Falls, WI Hannah Mae Brotzel ** Saint Paul, MN Corey Matthew Bunt ** Wooster, OH Taylor Emily Burchell * Rice, MN Holden Kenneth Carlson West Dundee, IL Mary Faith Connolly Minneapolis, MN Brianna Julie Ann Dennis Sussex, WI Carley Helen Engfer Loveland, CO JoAnne Marie Fischer Fort Atkinson, WI Katie Flitcroft Delavan, WI Anna Rae Fowler *** Milton, WI Maizee Grace Freeman * Walker, MN Megan Lynn Galarowicz Sister Bay, WI Wesley Gavin Burlington, WI Timothy William Grambo * Saint Paul, MN Rachel Ann Grausam Chanhassen, MN Jordan Ann Gustke * Redgranite, WI Jamie Mackenzie Hanson Minneapolis, MN Tyler Anthony Harrison Rubicon, WI Marcus Allen Ingles Dyersville, IA Elizabeth Adele Jeppesen Sunburg, MN
S pring C ommencement 2020 13
COLLEGE of EDUCATION, HOSPITALITY, HEALTH and HUMAN SCIENCES Candidates presented by Robert Salt, Ph.D., Dean B achelor of S cience
H uman D evelopment and F amily S tudies Kimmery Newsom, Ph.D., Program Director Bethanne Shriner, Ph.D., Program Director (online program) Jocelyn Kay Andreas New Glarus, WI Jonathon Michael Annen Hudson, WI Molly Marie Begley Chippewa Falls, WI Meghan Rose Bell Pecatonica, IL Tracee Nicole Bishop ** Osceola, WI Kietra Fahey Mount Horeb, WI Kelsie Jamie Marie Breneman Reedsburg, WI Katie Brownell Rhinelander, WI Alejandra Guadalupe Bustos-Megia Hutchinson, MN Stephanie Lynn Chaussee * Stillwater, MN Jordan Rose Cich Saint Paul, MN Erin Hays Clark Belle Plaine, MN Nicolle Lynn Dodge ** River Falls, WI Sidney Morgan Dombrowski * Amherst Junction, WI Traysha Olivia Donate * Eau Claire, WI Michaela Lynn Dutter La Valle, WI Kyle Russell Elkin New Richmond, WI Laura Laraine Elmer Colfax, WI Kristen Emery *** Black River Falls, WI Kayle Sue Fox Osseo, WI Kayla Rose Frohmader Menomonie, WI Madison Lea Gillis Faribault, MN Katherine Elizabeth Gordon Menomonie, WI Emily Granlund Chippewa Falls, WI Taylor C Hansen Saint Paul, MN Angela Rochelle Hendrickson Elk Mound, WI Ashley Ann Hinke Altoona, WI Madison Kae Hogue Hager City, WI Jessie May Holst Goodhue, MN Christy Michele Indahl-LaFleur ** West Salem, WI Mikayla Brandell Jurek * Lakeland, MN Kaylen Morgan Kammers ** Chippewa Falls, WI Asha Nicole Kavajecz Edgar, WI Molly Keran Saint Paul, MN Nicole Helene King Clinton, WI Breanna Marie Koll ** La Crosse, WI Michelle Ann Lepak * Stevens Point, WI Kalia Lor ** Wausau, WI Alexis Elizabeth Mayer * Eau Claire, WI Juanita Pearl McCarter * Ladysmith, WI Paige Elizabeth McDowell Minneapolis, MN Belinda Ann Mercer Colfax, WI Emma Metzger-Lane Saint Paul, MN Brittany Anne Mosher ** La Crosse, WI Rachael Marie Nerby Osseo, WI
H uman D evelopment and F amily S tudies continued Kimmery Newsom, Ph.D., Program Director Bethanne Shriner, Ph.D., Program Director (online program) Brittany Marie Olson Menomonie, WI Alissa Grace Peterson Round Lake Beach, IL Marisa Kathryn Pollastrini Crystal Lake, IL Emily Grace Robida *** Hudson, WI Jordyn Janeen Sachtjen Manawa, WI Brenda Lee Seibel * Bloomer, WI Taylor Ann Smida Howard Lake, MN Kelsey Lorraine Smith Eau Claire, WI Hayley Jo Stanina Wyoming, MN Blair Justine Strain Hager City, WI Elleen C Thao Onalaska, WI Miranda Marie Torres Plainview, MN Amanda Lou Turner Saint Paul, MN Caitlyn Rose Urspringer Hopkins, MN Amanda Thely Vang Eau Claire, WI Katelynn Joanne Walker *** Menomonie, WI Chandler Zwiefelhofer ** Bloomer, WI
M arketing and B usiness E ducation Debbie Stanislawski, Ph.D, Program Director
Allison Nicole Rigotti *** Benjamin Andrew Schwartz
West Salem, WI Circle Pines, MN
14 U niversity of W isconsin -S tout
COLLEGE of EDUCATION, HOSPITALITY, HEALTH and HUMAN SCIENCES Candidates presented by Robert Salt, Ph.D., Dean B achelor of S cience
P sychology Sarah Wood, Ph.D., Program Director
R eal E state P roperty M anagement Frederick Prassas, M.B.A., Program Director
Brandon Beaulieu ** Nathalie Bonilla ** Emma Leann Botcher Tandra Taylor Breitzman Miranda JoAnn Buchanan Hailey Elizabeth Cram ***
Sun Prairie, WI Abbotsford, WI Onalaska, WI
Landon Robert Bresnahan Alexa Rae Filipiak ** Jordyn Marie Fitzgerald Trey Christian Gardner John Douglas Hatlen Cody Elliott Jones Nolan Edward Pratt Kody Michael Radtke Anthony Joseph Sculthorpe Abbigail Margaret Winski
Rosemount, MN Elk River, MN Marshfield, WI Waunakee, WI
Winter, WI
Lodi, WI
Edgerton, WI
Lakeville, MN Readstown, WI
Saint Michael, MN
Dylan C Crook
Rockford, IL
Morgan Taylor Denton Gabrielle Nicole Edwards
Lyndon Station, WI Burnsville, MN Circle Pines, MN
Saint Germain, WI
Oviedo, FL
Alison Rose Farris
Milwaukee, WI
Alexandra Janelle Fitzgerald *** Michael Lynn Fletcher Madisen Kathleen Glab Matthew Scott Gunderson * Alexander George Helbach Kailey Michelle Kraus *** Gabriella Bouvier Lind Adriana Kramer Loecher * Aidan Thomas Manley * Miranda Leigh Massey *** Mikayla Kristine Meyer
Wayzata, MN
Sparta, WI
R ehabilitation S ervices Colleen Etzbach, Rh.D., Program Director
River Falls, WI Hudson, WI Amherst, WI Janesville, WI
Jamie Lynn Briesemeister Angela Lorraine Kowal ** Natasha Maedale Martin Kailey Sue Schreiber Erin Rose Thomas ** Chandra Mae Wigfield *
Eau Claire, WI Greenwood, WI Eau Claire, WI
Minneapolis, MN Saint Charles, MN Spring Valley, WI New Franken, WI Gordon, WI Anoka, MN Neenah, WI Rice Lake, WI Eau Claire, WI Holmen, WI Menomonie, WI
Merrill, WI
Circle Pines, MN Hamburg, MN
Nicole Ann Preo
Raquel Renee Schubart ** Lloyd Leland Schultz * Kaylee Lynn Sutliff * Isaiah Cherkai Vang Sarah Elizabeth Velguth Jordan John Weisensel
Lannon, WI
Jarvis Hall Science Wing and the Discovery Center The Jarvis Hall Science Wing was opened in 2009 as part of a $43 million expansion and renovation of laboratories, classrooms and administrative offices for the College of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Managment. The technology wing also houses the Discovery Center, a unit dedicated to advancing the polytechnic focus of the university. By integrating UW-Stout’s applied research assets, its faculty and students and its relationships with community and industry leaders, the Discovery Center facilitates collaborative partnerships leading to innovative solutions for business, real-world learning for students and increased economic development.
S pring C ommencement 2020 15
COLLEGE of EDUCATION, HOSPITALITY, HEALTH and HUMAN SCIENCES Candidates presented by Robert Salt, Ph.D., Dean B achelor of S cience
V ocational R ehabilitation Colleen Etzbach, Rh.D., Program Director
T echnology and S cience E ducation Barb Bauer, M.A., Program Director
Emma Leigh Cable Briana Renee Hunt Alexandra Jean Larsen Amber Jean Larson Shyanne Lynn Marlett Edward Harold Martin Katelyn Ann Parker Faith Marie Swiechowski Joel Andrew Thompson Kelly Terese Wollschlager
Eau Claire, WI
Michael David Meves
Brookfield, WI
Chippewa Falls, WI
T echnology E ducation Barb Bauer, M.A., Program Director
Hager City, WI Eau Claire, WI Boyceville, WI
Zachary John Albers Meghan Lynn Cops **
Plymouth, WI Brillion, WI Grafton, WI Menomonie, WI Burlington, WI
Chippewa Falls, WI Minneapolis, MN
Nicholas Alan Fullington ** Michaela Lynn Guerrini
Merrill, WI Mondovi, WI
Dane Alan Helnore
Cottage Grove, MN
S cience E ducation Kevin Mason, Ph.D., Program Director
Peter Samuel Kleinschmidt Brandt William Peterson
Tomahawk, WI Cumberland, WI
Matthew Wozniak *
Port Washington, WI
S pecial E ducation Sharon Becker, Ph.D., Program Director
Sean Thomas Bakken
Waunakee, WI Eau Galle, WI Saint Paul, MN Washington, DC Rochester, MN Orland Park, IL Elkhorn, WI Rib Lake, WI Barron, WI
Kaylee Nicole Brantner ** Lauren Christine Dame Emma Lee Fillafer ** Amy Renee Guibord Elizabeth Anne Klein * Emily Ellen Makina *** Emily Ann Muzatko * Bruce Robert Peterson
16 U niversity of W isconsin -S tout
Bowman Hall Bowman Hall characterizes UW-Stout. At the center of campus, its solid traditional exterior houses a modern interior devoted to serving students. The building is home to a variety of student service offices including Dean of Students, Counseling Center, Disability Services, Multicultural Student Services, Advisement Center, Registration and Records, Student Support Services and Financial Aid. Planning, Assessment, Quality and Research is also housed here.
The building is named for Clyde A. Bowman, who came to Stout in 1919 to administer the industrial education division. His tenure spanned the administrations of three Stout Institute presidents, and he served as a temporary president upon L. D. Harvey’s death.
COLLEGE of ARTS, COMMUNICATION, HUMANITIES and SOCIAL SCIENCES Candidates presented by Maria Alm, Ph.D., Dean B achelor of F ine A rts
E ntertainment D esign Andrew Williams, Ph.D., Program Director
G ame D esign and D evelopment -A rt continued Andrew Williams, Ph.D., Program Director
Ebenezer Karl Henry Anton Joshua Alan Bruckbauer Mackenzie Jo Burke *** Zachary Allen Crotty Brian Patrick Eichmann * Hanna Darlene Folsom Christian Palmer Fredricks Katheryne RoseMarie Galema Brock Nicholas Normand ** Danielle Elise Pedersen * Andrew Darryl Pitassi ** Jennifer Catherine Plank * Kristen Lee Protheroe ** Conor Michael Quinn * Alexa Lyn Klusman ***
Browerville, MN
Megan Elise Southwick ***
Mukwonago, WI Heber City, UT Wyoming, MN
Plover, WI
Callie Ann Swensen Lucas Dylan Thomas
Saint Michael, MN Chippewa Falls, WI
Kaylee Elizabeth Walters * Noah Thomas Wussow
Port Washington, WI Wisconsin Rapids, WI
Oshkosh, WI Green Bay, WI Saint Paul, MN Fort Ripley, MN
G raphic D esign and I nteractive M edia Alex DeArmond, M.F.A., Program Director
Hartford, WI
Chippewa Falls, WI Minneapolis, MN
Evan R. Altenburg Mikaela Anne Bakker
Minnetonka, MN Dodgeville, WI Menomonie, WI Peshtigo, WI Waukesha, WI New Lisbon, WI Prairie du Sac, WI
Emily, MN
Heather A Berg
Germantown, WI
Sabrina Christina Bournonville *
Menomonee Falls, WI
Carmen Rae Chadwick *
Minneapolis, MN Taylors Falls, MN Menomonie, WI Beaver Dam, WI
Kyle Kalen Craft
Ashley Marie Ritter *
Danielle Victoria Dahlke
Amanda Jean Schroeder ** Jordan Matthew Schulz
Paige Janelle Green
Stillwater, MN
Katelyn Freitag Hagen ** Megan Elizabeth Hultgren ** Brenna Catherine Kempen ** Bridget Audrey Lensing ** Ethan Patrick Alan McGowan Michaela Marie Meidinger Samuel Raymond Miskowski Isabel Eileen Lieb **
Carver, MN
Nicholas Schwitzer Callie Rose Stevens Ahron Joseph Turk
Shawano, WI Newport, MN
Forest Lake, MN
Menomonee Falls, WI
Richland Center, WI
Farmington, MN Cologne, MN Saint Paul, MN Ham Lake, MN Madison, WI Melrose, MN Madison, WI Minneapolis, MN Pewaukee, WI Greenville, WI Hammond, WI
G ame D esign and D evelopment -A rt Andrew Williams, Ph.D., Program Director
Stone Barrett Allan
Minneapolis, MN Saint Paul, MN Rochester, MN Saint Michael, MN Madison, WI Waseca, MN Brookfield, WI Cohasset, MN Minnetonka, MN
Nathaneal Thomas Apolloni
Chase John Moening * Mitchell Kai Nelson
Katrina Mae Bennick
Christopher Scott Brewer * Alexander Key Greenberg
Moniroth Hao Pin
Grace Ann Schramka * Claire Marie St. Aubin *
Haden John Gregor
Audrey Michelle Groneck Aubree Rose Grossman Andrew Thomas Hirl *
Mackenzie Christine Standaert
Erin Nicole Wagener *
Mayer, MN Wausau, WI
Vientiane Yang
Brittany Dee-Jay Zavala
Champlin, MN
Trisha Ann Kriegel
Oshkosh, WI
Jesselyn Jean Lonneman **
Pine Island, MN Saint Paul, MN
Devon Machalek
Matthew John Marshall Chloe Evelyn Meyer * Nicholas Allen Price Ashley Marie Ritter * Jeremiah Robert Schattie Hannah Rose Schenk * Dylan Ramsay Shepherd
Viola, WI
Beaver Dam, WI Rochester, MN Taylors Falls, MN Eau Claire, WI West Bend, WI
Wayzata, MN
18 U niversity of W isconsin -S tout
COLLEGE of ARTS, COMMUNICATION, HUMANITIES and SOCIAL SCIENCES Candidates presented by Maria Alm, Ph.D., Dean B achelor of F ine A rts
I nterior D esign Maureen Mitton, M.A., C.I.D., Program Director
I ndustrial D esign Jennifer Astwood, M.F.A., Program Director
Grant Thomas Aubry McKenna Leigh Berg Luke Steven Blechinger Tyler Henry Bodette Sydney Severin Bolz Tandra Taylor Breitzman Carlee Rose Crozier * Angela Rose Hastings Joshua Mitchell Hauff Mark Louis Kennedy Mark Thomas Knutson Michael Benjamin Koeppel Kendra Rae Lundstrom Jonah David Markink * Carter John Olson * Joshua Scott Schaefer Dylan Connor Schmied Hope Ann Cartwright Simon Isabel K Case **
De Pere, WI De Forest, WI Hudson, WI Schofield, WI
Heidi Jeanne Anderson
Arden Hills, MN Weyauwega, WI Germantown, WI Lake Geneva, WI
Te’a Amber Blohm
Kendra May Buffington Brianna Noel Flower Hunter Ann Hilber * Megan Melinda Hulett Lauren Mary Humphrey Jordyn Linae Junkermeier Danielle Nicole Maguire Autum Neuville * Gwen Marie Northey Emily Lillis Pingel ** Emily Ann Sanchez Katelyn Elaine Schiltz Alyse Nicole Shelby Kaytlyn Deanne Vajgrt Londyn Jade Wettengel Madison Anne McCambridge * Lucia Mary Miller Stephanie Susan Morzewski **
Little Suamico, WI
Arpin, WI
Winter, WI Hartland, WI
Menomonie, WI Maple Grove, MN
Black Creek, WI
Fairmont, MN Verona, WI Boulder, CO Appleton, WI Colfax, WI Sullivan, WI Neenah, WI Waconia, MN Abrams, WI Buffalo, MN Milwaukee, WI
Sussex, WI
Saint Paul Park, MN
Lakeville, MN Ellison Bay, WI Wittenberg, WI
Wisconsin Rapids, WI
Tower, MN
Saint Paul, MN Cologne, MN
Port Washington, WI
Abrams, WI Appleton, WI
Kailr John Stange
Campbellsport, WI
Cudahy, WI
Mitchell Paul Staniszewski Katrina Mary Stoltenberg *
Bruce, WI
Jackson, MN Saint Paul, MN Shawano, WI Minneapolis, MN
S tudio A rt Geoffrey Wheeler, M.F.A., Program Director
Valerie Mary Swords Isaac Edward Theis Russell Thomas Troyer
Jacob Lee Bluhm
Marshfield, WI
Anthony John Clementi
Wayne, IL Ripon, WI Rogers, MN
Amy Nicole Hein
Jared Zachary LeClaire
Chloe Mae Rice *
Saint Paul, MN La Crosse, WI
Alysha Danai Strangstalien *
S pring C ommencement 2020 19
COLLEGE of ARTS, COMMUNICATION, HUMANITIES and SOCIAL SCIENCES Candidates presented by Maria Alm, Ph.D., Dean B achelor of S cience
A pplied S ocial S cience Tina Lee, Ph.D., Program Director
D igital M arketing T echnology Kris Isaacson, Ph.D., Program Director
Zachery Noah Allen Theresa Ann Fye Cole James Gonyea
Little Suamico, WI
Auqueith Lashard Bradshaw Erin Elisabeth Briggs **
Brainerd, MN Milton, WI Roberts, WI
Wausau, WI
Eau Claire, WI Deforest, WI
Doug Cottrell
MaiZia Lee *
Cory Scott Gilbert River Falls, WI Madalaine April-Maria McConville ***Augusta, WI Daniel David Polson Spring Valley, WI Shelby Laehn Stachowitz ** Byron, MN Benjamin Michael Stoflet Eau Claire, WI Erin Jessica Tietz Hudson, WI Zipporah Jerie Turnbull Milwaukee, WI Brandon Curtis Vecchio * Tomahawk, WI
Margaret Donna O’Dell ** Nenagh Anastasia O’Leary Sarah Shauntelle Thompson
Waldo, WI
Saint Paul, MN Farmington, MN Watertown, WI Waukesha, WI Eau Claire, WI
Kaitlin Marie Travis Andrea Marie Yank * Stephanie Zielke
G raphic C ommunications Shaun L. Dudek, Ed.D., Program Director
C omputer N etworking and I nformation T echnology Holly Yuan, Ph.D., Program Director
Mia Eleanore Bartel ** Jocelyn Marie Caelwaerts Katherine Nicole Grulke Emily Rae Gustafson *** Bridget Therese Johnson ** Jessica Margaret Kastello ***
Sheboygan Falls, WI
Porterfield, WI Rhinelander, WI
Hhssian Al Habeel
Alqatif, Saudi Arabia
Carver, MN
Erica Anderson
Hayward, WI Lakeville, MN Eastman, WI Greendale, WI Antigo, WI Madison, WI Two Rivers, WI Kenosha, WI Elk Mound, WI Lakeville, MN Greenville, WI
Mukwonago, WI Muskego, WI Madison, WI Antioch, IL Eau Claire, WI McHenry, IL Menomonie, WI Saint Paul, MN Eau Claire, WI
Karl Conrad Carey ** David Patrick Connors Jonathan Curtis Heise
Kyle Landon Koran
Grant Edward Leinonen
Alex William Hitz
Gaonou Lor
Jeffrey Worthington Hughes Dakohta James Hurda Riley Gerald Kangas *** Korbyn Donald Knipfer ** Benjamin R Kuboushek **
Haley Marie Meszaros
Ian Aaron Newton
Andrew John Schwalbe Shannon Lynne Sorenson
Tyler William Stoll
Bloomer, WI
Joshua Scott Lacey * Hunter John Laska Riley Aaron Mueller *
Brenna Margaret Julia Sullivan *
Saint Croix Falls, WI
Bancroft, WI
Nikolas Jarvis Thomas
Saint Paul, MN
Sheboygan, WI Ridgeland, WI
C ross -M edia G raphics M anagement Shaun L. Dudek, Ed.D., Program Director
Christinia Marie Ruehmann
Nicole Amber Ruf ***
Altoona, WI
William Raymond Snitselaar Wade Christian Wagner
Menomonie, WI Manitowoc, WI Brodhead, WI
Hailey Ann Vosen **
Wabasha, MN
Julia Rose Ward
Zimmerman, MN
Logan Tyler Wilson
Jessica Marie Wisniewski **
Elk River, MN
I nformation T echnology M anagement Holly Yuan, Ph.D., Program Director
Nicholas Nels Nelson
Hartland, WI La Crosse, WI
Tula Vue **
20 U niversity of W isconsin -S tout
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