UW-Stout Commencement 2020 Program
COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM S aturday , M ay 9 th , 2020 • V irtual C eremony
W elcome
Miss Britta Miller Commencement Coordinator
Dr. Aaron M. Durst, Director
*P rocessional
Pomp and Circumstance by Edward Elgar Pomp and Circumstance by Edward Elgar
A ddress to G raduates
Dr. Katherine P. Frank Chancellor
Student Speaker 1
Rana Pluemer
Student Speaker 2
Madalaine McConville
C onferring of D egrees
Dr. Katherine P. Frank Chancellor
† P resentation of D iplomas
Dr. Gindy Neidermyer, Interim Dean, College of Science Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Management Time 0:21:03 Dr. Robert Salt, Dean, College of Education, Hospitality, Health and Human Sciences Time 1:05:57 Dr. Maria Alm, Dean, College of Arts, Communication, Humanities and Social Sciences Time 1:36:59
Dr. Amy Gullixson, Interim Director, The Graduate School Time 2:00:44
C losing R emarks
Dr. Katherine P. Frank Chancellor
Vocal led by, Dr. Chiwei Jerry Hui, Director
*P laying of A lma M ater
UW-Stout Chamber Choir and Symphonic Singers
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