UW-Stout Commencement 2020 Program
THE GRADUATE SCHOOL Candidates Presented by Amy Gullixson, Ph.D., Interim Director of The Graduate School M aster of S cience
A pplied P sychology Libby Smith, M.S., Program Director
C linical M ental H ealth C ounseling John Klem, Ph.D., Program Director
Jessica Patricia Eul
Stevens Point, WI
Leslie Joyce Cole Rachel Jean Davis James Janssen Ebben Rachel Marie Eichstadt Jamilla Asante Goins Marissa Ann Gramoll Ashley Dawn Kuprin Laina Renee MacDonald Savannah Marie Muench Megan Gayle Nemetz Michaela Anne Trutna Alexis McDonald
Eau Claire, WI
Michaela Marie Gunseor Wausau, WI Thesis: Teachers’ Incorrect Use of Causal Language to Describe Non-Causal Data Haley Jo Lenzen Maple Grove, MN Thesis: When everyone wants your attention: How do you manage work and home roles? Christian Joseph Lucchesi Milwaukee, WI Macie Neitzel Alma, WI Ashley Ann Ramaker Rosemount, MN Thesis: The Impact of the Halo Effect in Online Dating Allison Margaret Schneider Rosemount, MN Thesis: Investigation of the Fear of Missing Out and the Connection between Academic Motivation, Perceived Stress, and Social Media Use Leisa A Sunier Milwaukee, WI Thesis: Grit and Mindset and How They Relate to Performance Daniel Aaron Utech Roberts, WI Kristin Utech Meldorf, SH Rachael Youngren Andover, MN Thesis: Passive and Active Interventions: Addressing the Issue of College Students’ Class Attendance
Wausau, WI
Eau Claire, WI Minneapolis, MN Saint Paul, MN Eau Claire, WI Medford, WI Mc Farland, WI Appleton, WI Menominee, MI Big Lake, MN Strum, WI
C onstruction M anagement Calvin Chen, Ph.D., Program Director
Todd Douglas Ahnert Joseph Thomas Glassman
Sussex, WI Hays, KS
Daniel Edward Wald
Marshfield, WI
C areer and T echnical E ducation Deanna Schultz, Ph.D., Program Director
Heather Kay Blonk Shannon Marie Burrs
Chippewa Falls, WI
Mc Farland, WI Kenosha, WI
James Johnathon Jazdzewski
Dayna Adams Shannon Lyon
Madison, WI
Oconomowoc, WI
Robert A McConnell Jessica Marie Monfils Susan Lee Schmitz Emiliy Brook Webber
Merrill, WI
Edmonds, WA
Minneapolis, MN
Waukesha, WI
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