UW-Stout Commencement 2020 Program
A lma M ater On the banks of Lake Menomin Stands our alma mater true, With tower high and brilliant “S” For her we’ll dare and do. We’ll sing her praises many, We’ll glorify her name And on throughout the years of time Our love for Stout proclaim.
A cademic R egalia Many colorful robes are seen at college and university graduation ceremonies. Academic regalia date to the medieval origins of the university, when most scholars were also members of religious orders. Robes were also needed in those days to keep warm. Today’s academic robes are largely standardized, although individual universities often make exceptions. Bachelor’s, master’s and doctor’s robes are typically black, but differ in style. The bachelor’s gown has pointed sleeves, the master’s has oblong sleeves, and the doctoral gown has bell-shaped sleeves. The doctor’s gown is also trimmed in the front with black velvet, with three velvet crossbars on each sleeve. At UW-Stout, faculty and advanced-degree graduates also wear traditional hoods. The doctor’s hood is longer than the master’s, and has a wider velvet edging. For both master’s and doctor’s hoods, the hood is lined with academic colors of the granting institution (UW-Stout’s academic colors are blue and white), and the velvet trimming marks the academic discipline of the degree. The UW-Stout Chancellor, University Marshal, Assistant Marshals, and any other faculty member holding a doctorate who so desires may be seen wearing the UW-Stout doctoral robe. This robe is blue, representing the university’s academic colors, with black doctoral style velvet edging and sleeve crossbars. The UW-Stout doctoral hood is lined with blue and white — the academic colors.
Mortarboard tassels for UW-Stout bachelor’s graduates are white for those being awarded a bachelor of fine arts degree, yellow for the bachelor of science degree.
UW-Stout Honors College graduates are recognized with a royal blue satin stole. Graduating students who are members of recognized learned and/or professional societies may be honored for special academic achievement by wearing regalia such as a neck honor cord, ribbon, or suspended medallion.
28 U niversity of W isconsin -S tout
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