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Healthy Kids Plan for Stout Camps Stout has implemented a screening process to support the early identification of illness to help protect all of our campers and staff. Healthy Kids Requirement for All Campers at Stout All in-person camps at UW-Stout will follow the University of Wisconsin System COVID requirements to help ensure the health and well-being of all campers, their families, and Stout staff: Single-day Campers Youth arriving for single day camps should follow a self-quarantine procedure for 10 days prior to camp. This means that they should not be in close contact (within 6 feet) of non-family members for these 10 days prior to camp. They then must be symptom-free (see the COVID symptom list on the next page) upon arrival at camp. Stout will also monitor each camper’s health while at camp, including taking temperatures with no-touch infrared thermometers. In addition, Stout must be notified of any positive COVID tests of a camper within 3 days of the beginning or end of the camp. If a day-camper should start to feel ill while at camp, they should notify one of the camp counselors. Camp counselors will take the ill camper out of their cohort group and will stay with the camper in a comfortable room at Stout, with supervision, until parents can pick up their child. Parents must acknowledge the requirement to pick up their ill child or their COVID positive child) at registration. Parents must pick up their child within 4 hours of being notified. Youth attending camps for two consecutive days or more Youth who will be attending overnight or multiple day, day-camps, need to show: • proof of a recent negative COVID test taken within 3 days of camp arrival, or • test negative for COVID upon arrival by the Abbot Binax Now test on campus, or • show documentation of a positive COVID test within 90 days of camp activity and that they are past the completion of the isolation period. Then, while at camp, multiple day campers will be COVID tested once per week during camp. Stout will also monitor each camper’s health while at camp, including taking temperatures with no-touch infrared thermometers. Parents must acknowledge the testing requirement at registration, and grant permission for their child to be tested for COVID-19. Stout’s testing will be a COVID antigen test. The Stout Camp Director will advise on the method of the COVID test, which involves a nasal swab from both nostrils, and then a 15-minute wait time for the result. Any positive results will require the child to be removed from the cohort. Camp counselors will stay with the child in a comfortable room at Stout, with supervision, until parents can pick up their child. Parents must acknowledge the requirement to pick up ill or COVID- positive children at registration. The pick-up time allowed for parents to get their child is within 4 hours of being notified.




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