Return to Camp
COVID-19 Symptom Checklist: All campers shall complete the COVID-19 Daily Self-Checklist before reporting to camp activities.
Based on guidance from the CDC, all campers need to consider these questions each day:
• Do you have any of the
breathing • Loss of taste or smell • Other respiratory symptoms • Cough • Sore Throat • Headache • Fatigue
following symptoms, even if very mild?
• Fever or feeling feverish • Muscle aches/Body aches • Nausea, Vomiting or Diarrhea • Chills • Shortness of breath/difficulty
*Evaluate these symptoms compared with how they are different from, or similar to, your baseline health (i.e. worse than normal, allergies, etc.).
COVID Case Response Procedure Overview UW-Stout has a COVID Response Team that meets daily. For the summer camp season, this team will include the youth camp directors to help ensure that our campers remain healthy and are cared for if any become ill. If Your Child Begins to Feel Ill While at Camp: • They should inform the camp counselor or director of their symptoms; • The camp counselor or director will then consult with our campus medical staff. • Any children needing to be quarantined due to COVID symptoms will be accompanied by camp staff, but will be separated from their cohort group. • The child’s contact parent will then be notified, and will have 4 hours to pick up their child. Restrooms Use of restrooms should be limited based on restroom size to ensure at least 6 feet between individuals. Signs have been placed to assist with ensuring this distance. As always, wash your hands thoroughly to reduce the potential transmission of the virus. Cleaning and Disinfecting UW-Stout understands that proper cleaning and disinfection is important to mitigate the risk of spreading COVID-19. Our custodial teams are following recommendations published by the CDC and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for products used for cleaning and disinfecting. These products are approved for use against COVID-19 and are applied per the manufacturers’ recommendations. Professional custodial crews will continue to clean and disinfect public spaces based on CDC guidelines. In addition, camp staff will also perform cleaning and disinfecting after they use our rooms and equipment for camp activities. Staff will ask the campers to pitch in and help. Disinfectant products in spray bottles and wiping materials have been selected for their effectiveness against COVID, and for their ease of use and low-overall toxicity. Chemical Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are available for parents upon request.
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